High Temperature | Wednesday Prompt


The day started as I expected, Clara was such an angel, an angel in disguise but I just couldn't tell her rather I didn't want to tell her.
She was always there for me, what can I offer her?
I guess there's nothing to give but to show that I care in everyway.
Yeah, she is the love of my life so why can't you just tell her what an angel she is?
Well, I say no words about that.


I and Clara had made out plans to visit Obudu cattle ranch in Calabar, Nigeria.
The truth is I had my plans under lock and key that would surely make unsuspecting Clara amazed and thrilled.
What other way can I gladden her heart saying thank you.

I'm not one for words, I find it very difficult to express my feelings with words but with actions, that would be top notch.
You know that saying, "action speaks louder than voice," well, I took a deep liking to it.

The next day, the plan was to move to Calabar in the first class bus of "God is Good" transport in which Clara had booked space for us online.
All prepared we ordered a ride via Uber to come pick us up. On our way, I redirected the driver to the airport, Clara was just speechless as I showed her our tickets,
Baby, we can't spend a whole day on the road, I'd prefer we spend few hours on air and enjoy ourselves in our presence.
Feeled with joy, she kissed me so hard that her tongue was down my throat.

We were now in air and touched down Calabar in just an hour.
Taking a ride through the beautiful city of Calabar but it looked so much like Nigeria nonetheless.
We had our cottage ready for us, all planed up for the weekend.
I was already filled with ectasy because we actually delayed the trip three weeks ago to complete our work schedule.

I hopped into the bathroom to take a shower alone because Clara said she wanted to lie down a bit. Coming out of the shower was Clara lying down all folded up.
What's up, Cla?
I have no idea, all of a sudden a started feeling uncomfortable.
Putting my hand on her body, she had a very high temperature, she was burning.

I had to call house service in which they arrived with an ambulance, at the hospital, I was told she was pregnant after all.
Cla, you never mentioned we are pregnant.
Yeah, I know. I wanted us to return back to Lagos before I give you the news.

Oh, my love you had my shit on my pants seeing you that way.
I'm so sorry to put you through all that.

Clears throat

She's okay, you guys can go have your fun now, said the doctor.
