I'm Fed Up


Really, I'm all fed up.
It has become incessant and over beating to keep on hearing or seeing talk about what's one inevitable and what would every change because it has happened over and over and would still happen again.
Definitely, I know there are new individuals coming into the crypto space and probably are the ones using the "word" but what gets to my throat that chokes me is the so called crypto OGs, crypto enthusiast that have so used the term and it's more like a plaque that has contaminated everyone (not me of course).
I've tried my best to drag my rant to this point that you would want to know why I'm fed up, but before I hit the nail on the head, I guess you'd become fed up probably because you never thought about it or you'd agree with me.
Any none of that matters to me.

When the market goes down, in red or dips whatever you call it, I'm fed up with people calling it crypto crash.


What's new under the the sunlight definitely not the moon because the sun only illuminates the moon to make it useful.
What does the word "CRASH," I never thought I'd be checking the dictionary or goggling crash but here I am taking that turn.
I'd be damned, I just looked at Merriam-Webster dictionary and I've decided not telling the meaning because so far so long, there's been no crash whatsoever.

There simply is no revival after a crash because the damage has been done.

The market is simply up and down as what goes up must come down even cryptocurrency obeys the law of gravity.

Yeah, before you hit me with it, there are some crypto project that have actually crashed.
Bring your ears let me whisper and you coming with the look that you know what intend saying, alright, yes, UST, LUNA, the TerraLabs is crashed although there's a revival.
All pictures are indicating impossibility in its revival.

I'm only trying to make it clear that no one should use that term that crypto has crashed, yes,I'm talking authoritatively.
At this point I'd be using synonyms of CRASH to elaborate why it's a wrong choice of word, COLLIDE, SMASH, WRECK, CRACK, WHACK, BANG, BASH.

Don't hit for it but CRASH is a harsh word although, it serves the term of what's happening in the market as it is the right word to classify what's going on right now.

I'm only venting because the destructive way I heard a conversation about crypto dipping could cause an end to world speaking figuratively.
For everyone hoping for the best to happen, just enjoy the abrupt ride on a decline.

Thanks for visiting my blog, till next time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
