Today: The day of Joy

Today is that day that so many have been waiting for and sure time tells it all because no matter how slow the journey might be, the destination is the final goal.
So much joy and gladness would be filled in the heart of so many because Christmas is a season of joy and giving.
Here we are today to celebrate the birth of a child, the baby Jesus whose birth on the 25th December.


Back in time when I was a little kid, I could see my heart leaping for joy and yearning that the day comes as fast as it could. Normally the mood is always a happy and definitely I don't seem to tell why because it's just obvious; the new clothes and accessories, the food and company,the faces that have not been seen in a long time all just seem to appear out of the blue. There's nothing far more interesting than being with family because as we know there's actually no better place to be.

The day is always so busy, the holiday period everyone have been craving for to come and sure it comes and enjoyed to the fullest. The song of a legendary Nigerian artist pops up in my, "put a smile on your face, no matter the condition," Lagbaja.
Today would be that day.
Many festive periods have come and gone but Christmas had its own dynamics, a way to get hold of people around the world and it's so amazing 6o be able to share this day with loved ones and family to the fullest.

From this side, it's a Merry Christmas to the hive family as we continue out stride into the new year.

Thanks for visiting my blog, till next time.

All content is mine unless otherwise noted
