The Mystery Of Nature.


Whenever I looked at the universe in its entirety, I can’t but wonder at the beauty that lies therein, is it the colorful pattern of the zebra or the sleekness of snakes? The way some animals' skins are made surely shows there is a hand behind all this. But that’s just one tip of the iceberg, one of these wonderful scenery is nature at large which comprises of the firmament, the sky, the plants, the airs we breathe in, and encompassing things we can see that exist in their natural state called Nature.

The afternoon Sky, captured by me.

The dictionary defines Nature as
I share the same line of thoughts too. But some wonders exist in nature that needs to be looked at which am sure its mind boggling to think that such exist in their natural state and not made by people.

  • Fractals: It has been proven over time that this natural occurrence exist in many plants and they are divinely and miraculously found in natural numbers too. They even exist in ice flakes and some designs have their foundations derived from this unexplainable natural occurrence called Fractals

  • Sky: Though geography might give you a meaning of how the sky came to be and many bodies that made it up, still, deep deep in their mind they knew it’s not a scientific formula that can be conjured up in the lab. The fact it is being supported without anything still marvels some scientist deep in there heart. They’ve searched all through and couldn’t find an answer because the truth is, we all met the sky there and we will leave it here after a while. Its nature at its best and worst.

  • Life and death : Till date, no single soul has been able to decipher the codex of life, not a single one, scientist have tried to elongate life over time with many drugs, done a lot of research both underground and on the surface and still, mankind isn’t close enough to explain how life is conceived. We all know we came from one single sperm and we know when grey hairs starts to show, then it’s time to go. But no one, no one has been able to know how this really happens. Scientist can only study these things and gives them characteristics like the popular characteristics of LIFE: Movement, Respiration. Growth, death. MR NIGER D.
    The evening Sun, captured by me.

I can go on and on telling you about the mystery that exist in life, but the most pronounced are those stated above. It all points to some fact:
That there is an invisible, yet, powerful hand at work in the creation of the universe.

  • That Nature is meant to be kept, maintained as it were met, no pollutions or damage done to it, because it has a way of telling on its people.

  • That by respectful studying the nature, we become drawn to the existence of the God who created it for His own purpose.

  • That mankind can find healing, technological advancement, help through useful application of things found in nature. E.g. The study of birds gave birth to the development of the Airplanes.



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