

You know what they say about April showers. I guess not only do they bring May flowers, they also bring rain delays and cancellations for softball games. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, we were supposed to watch my niece play another softball game last night. Unfortunately, the region across Michigan and Ohio has been getting a lot of rain lately.

It's not a heavy rain like we got a couple of years ago that caused the flooding you see above, but it's a consistent soaking rain that just makes it generally miserable to do much of anything. I know the school district I work for was supposed to be sending both their softball and baseball teams to a county tournament today, but I have a feeling it is either going to be cancelled or pushed until tomorrow.

The game that my niece was supposed to play yesterday is now slated for tonight assuming the weather cooperates. We were supposed to head down to Ohio this weekend to watch her play, but when we didn't think there was going to be a game tonight, we changed our plans.

Now it appears we could have seen her play tonight after all. Maybe.

It wasn't too big of a deal last night. Instead of watching the stream of our niece playing softball, we were able to watch our other niece and nephews participate in their school talent show. It was cute and they did a great job. I am very proud of them.

Softball is nice at the university level because those institutions can afford tarps and things like that to keep the fields playable even if a bit of rain falls. At the high school level things are much different. Unless it is a really affluent HS and they can actually afford that sort of stuff.

As long as the field isn't totally waterlogged, softball is actually a sport you can play in the rain. I've seen it done many times and I have sat in the rain during my fair share of games watching my nieces.

Dangerous conditions on the field or thunder and lightening are about two of the only things that will stop a game from happening if it is just a light sprinkling of rain.

This means that the Lady Shamrocks potentially won't get a break before their two games on Saturday against Big Walnut and Thomas Worthington. Of course one could argue they got a break last night, but if you weren't really expecting it, does it even count?

Fingers crossed we don't end up with as much water this spring as we did in the photo above. That was a pretty miserable year. The county still hasn't gotten around to expanding our drain to ensure it doesn't happen again.

It's just a matter of time.

Meanwhile, I will be waiting for some softball to be on!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I think that when your street turns into a river that this is a justifiable reason for calling off a softball game :P


Haha yeah, this was a pretty extreme event. It's only happened a couple of times since we have lived in this house.
