Continuing my onboarding efforts



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Before you can onboard anyone to Hive you have to be sold on Hive. If you are a regular reader of mine then there should be no doubt in your mind how sold I am on Hive.

Next before you can onboard to have you have to sell yourself to the people you are trying to onboard.

Online I have spent a lot of time and effort in building my personal brand. The start of 2022 it evolved into Mr. Positive. That is me, it is my brand. Making people feel positive, spreading positivity.

It happened two fold, I decided I needed to change and my employer bought Cardone University training at the same time.

Life changing for me.

So a few weeks ago I started to work on my friend Vanessa that works with Cardone University Canada to onboard her to Hive.

If, over time, we had not built a mutual relationship of respect for each other my efforts would be a waist.

I believe I am getting really close. I emailed her the other day and, I think it was a good one: You need tonget on Hive if for no other reason than to upvote and comment on my posts.

See she loves what I am doing on Hive.

If you have not read my post from last night, Some people are remarkable, this leads into following up on that.

I emailed Vanessa again today and gave her the link to this post. Hoping Corrie did not mind that I used him as a blog post. And hoping that maybe he will read it.

To my wonderful satisfaction she told me she would pass it on to Corrie, and the Vice-president.

I am spreading the word on Hive. I am working hard on bring some 'big' influenceable people to Hive.

A year ago I would have not dared. But the confidence I got from my traing and being Mr. Positive has made me a believer in myself.

I am not going to stop until I get these people onboarded.

Then I, we, the community have to teach them about communities on Hive.

Imagine the people Cardone University Canada can bring to Hive. Then Grant Cardone himself.

I have big , no giant, goals. I am not going to stop.

I need to bring some of the best and biggest people to Hive.

While others build the infrastructure, I will do what I am good at, getting better at, working on being great at.

Selling myself, so I can then sell what I believe in. And I believe in Hive.

All roads lead to Hive.

And I am fracking alive and Thriving tonight.



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We all believe in Hive and that is why we show up each day. Good luck on the onboarding efforts and it's definitely tough.

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Very nice, Bradley.
It will be good to get some of the Cardone gang on to Hive.
Keep pushing or pulling, lol


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That's great Bradley. I am sure your persistence will pay off.

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