RE: The Google, Facebook, and Twitter Class Action Lawsuit Gaining Global Attention


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This perception of an over abundance of scams in crypto, which you will be unable to find solid numerical evidence for, is one of the complaints in our case! Facebook told the entire world that crypto was "frequently associated with false and deceptive practices" and then set about work on their own Crypto currency that same month.

Very few "crypto scams" are unique to crypto. Crypto has made some frauds, which are as old as money itself, easier to complete online but that isn't the fault of the crypto. Credit card fraud still dwarfs anything that goes on in crypto.

Actual scam ICOs (as opposed to crappy business ideas raising money and spending it) do exist, but they're not the majority. Scam artists taking money and saying it is for an ICO is, likewise, an investment scam but not unique or specific to crypto.

Just last week there was a case of a chap who claimed to be investing in crypto, took money as crypto and regular bank deposits from friends and acquaintances, then blew it all gambling online. Headlines said "crypto scam" but it was just a money scam.

Nigerian scams were always scams, that is obvious. There are many solid businesses in Web 3.0 which are rising up and it is clear the tech has legs. Can it reach mass adoption? It needs many things to be done better internally (UI UX etc.) but it also needs to reach new people and the best way to do that is advertising and viral growth. The social media giants squashed both.


I don't see the outcome you all desire because ultimately the defence will be, since it's an unregulated industry. The platforms acted in the interest of public. That will then mean no class action in defence of whole crypto community. The argument of unfair business practice can continue to exist. From there a case of prominent businesses that DID suffer (can be proven) can proceed. This is in effect already in some countries. I'm sure you are aware of the lawyer case against a damaging review left on Google. Ruling in this regards DOES HOLD in the legal system.
TO prove that They acted maliciously exclusively though is what cannot be proven within the legal system. Crypto really destroyed it's reputation when the wild west became it,, with the ICO madness that YOU yourself accept as damaging. The other major hurdle is that currently there is still shady entities running questionable projects. MLM seems to have even become the default system here for recruiting users. The promise of referral rewards is not a good look and only attracts poor.
Appics for instance is a project which really died long ago but they continue to try to market the same "test app" that they've had for over 3 years. They have a pay gateway to take money for a token which is in Beta.. and that is completely illegal. They know it.
This is why this crypto world has no real MASS ADOPTION FUTURE.
Just Sharks coming up with new ways to take money from the foolish.
IF this was truly DECENTRALISED.. then people would and should be calling out bad actors, because it only hurts everyone in the long run. Yet everyone is nose deep into their own money game and don't think at at all how the bad is hurting their own endeavour.
Anyway I was going to do an elaborate, much more professionally presented opinion but really what do I care. You all are the ones committed to this. Both in time and in money. You WILL need to address those issues and many more though.. because at some point you got to ask.. "If this is so good.. why the hell is it failing?"
I don't see HIVE existing as that thing bloktrades and theycallhimdan keep believing will happen.
Proposals out the wazoo and again.. all thinking the MLM model is the solution.
