RE: But what about the WAHMEN!!!!

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I very much agree with this. I was watching a long interview with Andrew Tate the other day and he's a weird one. Like at points he talks a lot of sense. So much sense that I'm like wow, he actually knows a thing or two, but then he veers off on some crazy tangent. He almost reminds me of my Grandad who had Alzheimer's. On some days he'd be incredibly lucid and on point, but on other days he'd be away with the fairies.

But yeah. Most big influencers that inhabit the male and female spaces will never bring anyone together and in tune with themselves. Hating on other people gets x100 more traction on social media than anything wholesome. Sadly the human mind is primed to be on guard of danger and warn their friends. This is being capitalized on at the moment.

Whatever I do I try and bring people together. It's not easy of course, most people don't get along. But we can at least try.


Indeed... perhaps the best thing we can do is stay true to ourselves, rather than having truth dictated to us by "popular" talking heads on social media.

