Fuente/ Source


Ya casi casi, culminamos nuestro reto de los 30 dias en la propuesta de @tripode. Por estos dias es difícil, cumplir con los post por las tareas extras que tenemos, mas sin embargo, trato de organizarme para seguir con ustedes, compartiendo como es mi gusto también. Sigamos.


27.- ¿Cuál fue tu mentira mas reciente? ¿Y por qué lo hiciste?


Pero ¡que curiosos! por estos dias, me tocó decir una mentira blanca, aunque yo sé que no existen mentiras blancas, mentira es mentira, pero el caso es que un buen amigo vecino de la familia, nos lo encontramos y estuvimos compartiendo un rato oyendo música y tomando unas pocas cervezas, en un lugar cerca de casa.

En medio de la conversación empezamos a hablar de las diferentes clases de música y nuestros géneros preferidos. El vecino como buen fans de la música latina, en especial la salsa, nos dijo que nos iba a prestar varios CD de este genero musical, para que lo grabáramos ya que son clásicos difíciles de encontrar.

Pero el tema era que no tenemos el equipo para grabar, se había dañado y no quisimos quitarle la emoción al decirnos que no los prestaría, en un momento pensamos que quizás se le olvidaría, pero nada que ver, el hombre paso por casa a traernos lo prometido.

Lo recibimos, agradecidos y nos tocó que seguir con la mentira para no desilusionarlo en su intención de compartir con nosotros su buena música, no quisimos herir sus sentimientos, así que cuando lo volvimos a ver, le dijimos que estaba toda la música buenísima, el solo sonrió y se sintió complacido. Nosotros también.


We are almost done with our 30 days challenge in @tripode's proposal. These days it is difficult to keep up with the posts because of the extra tasks we have, but nevertheless, I try to organize myself to continue with you, sharing as it is my pleasure as well. Let's continue.


27.- What was your most recent lie, and why did you do it?


But how curious! these days, I had to tell a white lie, although I know that there are no white lies, lie is a lie, but the fact is that a good neighbor friend of the family, we met him and we were sharing a while listening to music and drinking a few beers, in a place near home.

In the middle of the conversation we started talking about different kinds of music and our favorite genres. The neighbor as a good fan of Latin music, especially salsa, told us that he was going to lend us several CDs of this musical genre, so that we could record them since they are hard to find classics.

But the problem was that we don't have the equipment to record, it had been damaged and we didn't want to take away his excitement when he told us that he wouldn't lend them, at one point we thought that maybe he would forget, but nothing to do, the man came by the house to bring us what he promised.

We received it, grateful and we had to continue with the lie to not disappoint him in his intention to share with us his good music, we did not want to hurt his feelings, so when we saw him again, we told him that all the music was great, he just smiled and was pleased. So were we.

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