El Esposo Perverso (Esp/ Eng)


Fuente/ Source


Esther era una joven mujer, que venía de una familia muy conservadora y apegada a las tradiciones y “buenas costumbres”, por eso al conocer a Joaquin hombre trabajador, pero un tanto mujeriego, de una vez Esther, quedó prendada ante los halagos y atenciones de este, él quería salirse con la suya, conseguir los “favores” de la muchacha como estaba acostumbrado a hacerlo y desaparecer…, pero los valores familiares estaban bien sembrados en Esther, que esta al ver las intenciones de Joaquin, muy desilusionada se alejó de él; Joaquin al ver que la chica hablaba en serio y ante los deseos que tenía por ella, no le quedó de otra, que ir por el camino correcto a duras penas y decidió comprometerse con Esther y ante su familia.

Esther muy emocionada le dio el sí, ante su proposición y a los 3 meses ya estaban casados ante la ley y ante Dios, todo se había dispuesto como lo esperaba Esther y su familia, pero eso seria en lo único que Joaquin la complacería en el resto de la vida de ambos…, al poco tiempo ya Esther estaba en embarazo y ya a Joaquin se le había pasado la emoción por ella y empezaron los maltratos, uno más humillante que el otro, pero aguantaba callada, pues a ella la habían criado para que se casara y permaneciera así hasta que la muerte los separara. Así transcurrieron los años y tuvieron 3 hermosas niñas, que crecieron viendo estas situaciones de violencias y abusos entre sus padres y como siempre su madre era la que peor librada salia.

Ya de Joaquin, solo quedaban los recuerdos de aquel hombre guapo, risueño que había conquistado el corazón de Esther y de otras tantas. Ahora era un borracho empedernido, que apestaba a licor y a tabaco; que gustaba de andar con mujeres de la vida alegre. Cuando llegaba a casa, todo era insultos, reprimendas para las niñas, parecía un fuerte militar aquella casa, pocas sonrisas afloran en los rostros de aquellas mujeres, sus vidas eran un calvario. Las niñas presentaban muchos déficits en el colegio, hiperactividad, agresividad e incluso mucha apatía, las 3 se turnaban estos comportamientos y Esther solo sufría su triste destino estoicamente.

Fuente/ Source

Cada día, al acercarse las horas en que su marido llegaba a casa todas temblaban de miedo, ya las niñas estaban adolescentes y esto las estaba afectando mucho en sus personalidades, pero este hombre solo sabía llegar a golpear a seguir tomando y fumando esos apestosos tabacos, hasta que caía sin sentido en cualquier lugar…pero un día Esther recibió una llamada de un hospital, donde le notificaron que su marido había sufrido una descompensación, bastante seria a causa de su corazón que le impedía valerse por sí mismo. Esther como mujer abnegada que era lo atendió hasta lo último, pero este hombre con las pocas fuerzas que le quedaban la maldecía a ella y a las chicas con un odio indescriptible, hasta que llegó su hora final.

Esther dispuso todo como debía, el funeral, el entierro y en todo ese proceso, en ella no se veía lágrimas, ni tristeza solo una tranquilidad que solo la rompía las noches en que terribles pesadillas que invandian los sueños de todas y el tema era el mismo, que aquel hombre vendría de nuevo, pasaron unos pocos meses y ya todo parecía que se iba normalizando para todas, ya empezaban a sentirse a gusto en su propia casa. Cuando de repente empezaron a sucederse extraños acontecimientos…, las luces se prendían y apagaban sin motivos, se oían fuertes pisadas en las noches y ese olor nauseabundo a licor y a aquel fuerte tabaco empezaba a inundar toda la estancia. Ellas al sentir todas aquellas cosas, pensaron que se estaban volviendo locas y trataban de convencerse de que eran solo imaginaciones de ellas, por tantos años a merced de aquel malvado hombre; pero la presencia se fue haciendo más fuerte para desconcierto y terror de ellas…

Pronto este ser, se adueñó nuevamente de aquella casa, se podía ver sombras a cualquier hora del día, si ellas prendían el televisor y se estaban relajando por momentos, esta cosa les apagaba el aparato y no había forma de volverlo a hacer que encendiera. Llegó un momento, en que ya no querían estar en casa, pues estaban peor, que con él en vida. Una tarde, Esther agotada ante tan mal dormir se quedo dormida en el sofá, mientras las chicas estaban en el colegio; se había quedado profunda, cuando de repente entre sueños empezó a sentir, como si alguien la tocara por sus partes íntimas al principio levemente, pero luego todo fue de una sola brusquedad, forzándola a mantenerse quieta ante el ataque…

Como pudo, empezó a luchar pero ese algo no la dejaba ni gritar, entonces recordó las enseñanzas de la abuela y se quedó quieta y empezó a orar y a reprender en nombre de Jesús, aquello se resistía y pudo oler ese olor tan repugnante a tabaco, alcohol y suciedad, sabía que era Joaquin. Este aun desde el más allá se resistía a dejarla en paz. Cuando lo reprendió en nombre de Jesús y que se fuera donde le perteneciera ir, sintió que aquello la soltó bruscamente, pero eso bastó para que Esther tomara a sus hijas y dejara abandonada aquella casa, donde habitaba el mal definitivamente junto aquel, que en vida había sido su esposo ante los hombres y Dios.

Fuente/ Source


Esther was a young woman, who came from a very conservative family and attached to the traditions and "good customs", that's why when she met Joaquin, a hard-working man, but a bit of a womanizer, Esther was immediately captivated by his compliments and attentions, he wanted to get his way, get the girl's "favors" as he was used to do and disappear.... But the family values were well sown in Esther, and when she saw Joaquin's intentions, she was very disillusioned and moved away from him; Joaquin, seeing that the girl was serious and the desires he had for her, had no choice but to go the right way and decided to commit himself to Esther and her family.

Esther very excited gave him her yes, before his proposal and after 3 months they were already married before the law and before God, everything had been arranged as Esther and her family expected, but that would be the only thing that Joaquin would please her in the rest of their lives.... Soon after, Esther was already pregnant and Joaquin's excitement for her had worn off and the mistreatment began, one more humiliating than the other, but she kept quiet, because she had been raised to get married and stay that way until death would separate them. Thus the years passed and they had 3 beautiful girls, who grew up seeing these situations of violence and abuse between their parents and as always their mother was the worst off.

All that remained of Joaquin were the memories of that handsome, smiling man who had won Esther's heart and the hearts of many others. Now he was an inveterate drunkard, who reeked of liquor and tobacco; who liked to hang out with women of the gay life. When he arrived home, everything was insults, reprimands for the girls, it seemed like a military fort in that house, few smiles appeared on the faces of those women, their lives were an ordeal. The girls presented many deficits at school, hyperactivity, aggressiveness and even much apathy, the 3 girls took turns these behaviors and Esther just suffered their sad fate stoically.

Every day, when approaching the hours when her husband came home, they all trembled with fear, the girls were already teenagers and this was affecting their personalities, but this man only knew how to hit to continue drinking and smoking those stinky cigars, until he fell senseless anywhere...but one day Esther received a call from a hospital, where she was notified that her husband had suffered a decompensation, quite serious because of his heart that prevented him from fending for himself. Esther, as a self-sacrificing woman, took care of him until the last moment, but this man, with the little strength he had left, cursed her and the girls with an indescribable hatred, until his final hour arrived.

Esther arranged everything as it should, the funeral, the burial and in all this process, in her there were no tears, no sadness, only a tranquility that only broke the nights in which terrible nightmares that invaded the dreams of all and the theme was the same, that the man would come again, a few months passed and everything seemed to be normalizing for all, and they began to feel at ease in their own home. When suddenly strange events began to happen..., the lights turned on and off for no reason, loud footsteps could be heard at night and that nauseating smell of liquor and strong tobacco began to flood the whole room. When they felt all those things, they thought they were going crazy and tried to convince themselves that they were just their imaginations, for so many years at the mercy of that evil man; but the presence was getting stronger to their bewilderment and terror?

Soon this being took possession of that house again, shadows could be seen at any time of the day, if they turned on the TV and were relaxing for a while, this thing would turn off the set and there was no way to turn it on again. There came a time when they no longer wanted to be at home, because they were worse off than with him in life. One afternoon, Esther, exhausted from such a bad sleep, fell asleep on the sofa, while the girls were at school; she had remained deep, when suddenly between dreams she began to feel as if someone was touching her private parts, at first lightly, but then everything was of a single abruptness, forcing her to remain still before the attack...

As best she could, she began to struggle but that something would not even let her scream, then she remembered the teachings of her grandmother and she stood still and began to pray and rebuke in the name of Jesus, that thing resisted and she could smell that disgusting smell of tobacco, alcohol and dirt, she knew it was Joaquin. This one even from the beyond resisted to leave her in peace. When she rebuked him in the name of Jesus and told him to go where he belonged, she felt that he abruptly released her, but that was enough for Esther to take her daughters and leave that house abandoned, where evil definitely lived together with the one who in life had been her husband before men and God.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Separadores/ Separators @eve66

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