La Muñeca Diabólica (Esp/ Eng)


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Johana era una chica hermosa, en plena juventud, pero que vivía aun con sus padres, porque no ganaba lo suficiente para independizarse. Tenía un novio muy trabajador, atento, que le gustaba y le quería, pero en esos momentos lo estaba viendo, mas como una vía de escape, hacia su "independencia-económica-libertad", así que no puso reparos, cuando esté le propuso matrimonio.

Acepto. La boda fue rápida, pues ella no quería mas nada, solo irse de la casa materna, quería tener sus propias cosas, su propio lugar, sin que nadie le pusiera reglas, eso era lo mejor. Su ahora marido estaba fascinado, porque por fin podría tener a la que ahora era su mujer en casa y a disfrutar de la vida que tendrían por delante, que equivocado estaba...

Johana no tardo mucho en demostrar sus verdaderas intenciones, empezó a salir con sus amistades a todo lugar que le invitaran, a bares, conciertos, discotecas, en fin. Empezó a comprarse ropa nueva, cambió de look, quería que todos la observaran y admiraran, que la desearan a pesar de que poco a poco iba decepcionando a su esposo, con sus irrespetuosas actitudes.

El al principio, quiso sentarse con ella hablar, poner acuerdos, comunicarse, pero Johana solo lo rechazaba, llegando a decirle que el era un pobre hombre, que nunca le daría lo que ella necesitaba y quería. Su marido, pronto se dio cuenta que ella no lo respetaba y tenia en cuenta ni a el ni a sus sentimientos, eso era lo peor, pero por amor trato de resistir un poco mas.

Para ver si Johana "cambiaba", pero las cosas empeoraron, porque esta se buscó un amante, que resultó ser su nuevo jefe. Un hombre turbio, despectivo, altivo, pero que por el interés de conseguir sus favores sexuales, la llenaba de regalos y atenciones. Johana con pleno descaro, lo aceptó. Pronto esto se hizo publico y el marido de Johana terminó de dejarla, sumamente apenado e herido.

Al principio a Johana no le importó, decia "Mejor", así podría andar sin su "fastidio" y libremente. Esos dias que siguieron fueron un torbellino de fiestas, bares, antros, donde a todos lados iba con su jefe de acompañante, Johana se sentía en la gloria, hasta que unos meses después...

Fuente/ Source

Luego de estar en uno de estos lugares con el, empezó a ver, como su amante, coqueteaba descaradamente con otra chica, sin importarle su presencia. Johana al ver esto trató de reclamarle e irse, pero el la tomo del brazo y le dijo que se sentara, que ella tenia que permitirle a el lo que quisiera, pues ella era solo su chica de turno y que cuando el se terminara de cansar de ella, solo seria su "juguete" hasta entonces, solo se podría ir, de resto que se callara y se sentara.

Johana pensó decepcionada, que solo había sido un capricho del hombre y que lo que ella pensaba de ser su esposa o algo por lo menos parecido, estaba muy equivocada y con todo y amenazas intentó pararse e irse, pero en ese instante el hombre sacó una extraña muñeca, muy parecida a ella y le dobló las piernas hacia atrás, entonces ella cayo de rodillas en el piso, sin entender lo que estaba pasando, intento pararse, pero no podía, estaba totalmente aterrada.

Entonces el hombre, tranquilamente con la muñeca en sus manos le dijo: "Tu te levantaras, cuando yo diga y quiera, te dije que no te vas y no lo harás, eres mi juguete nuevo ahora". Johana se puso a llorar, sin entender lo que estaba sucediendo, el solo se reía con una macabra risa. Ella le dijo que haría lo que el quisiera, pero que la dejara levantarse, el accedió, sádicamente complacido.

Así pasó la noche y parte de la madrugada. Hasta que llegó a casa, allí Johana se puso a llorar amargamente al darse cuenta todo lo que había hecho, sin necesidad pues ella lo tenia todo, humildemente pero así era y lo que había perdido era lo mejor que se había cruzado en su vida un hombre bueno y amoroso. Por eso estaba clara, que el que aun era su esposo, era el único ser que de verdad la podía ayudar en ese enredo, no podía confiar en nadie mas.

Ella lo fue a buscar y le contó lo sucedido, lo de la muñeca, el porque de su estado físico y mental deplorable. Le rogó que la ayudara, por si alguna vez la había amado. Este hombre tan noble accedió, pero solo en el nombre del gran amor que en un momento le tuvo. La contactó con una bruja blanca, que la ayudó a salir de ese atolladero espiritual, después de varios meses, limpias, oraciones, logró quitarse ese "hechizo" de encima.

Intentó buscar a su ahora ex, pero el solo le dijo que la ayudó en nombre del amor que alguna vez le tuvo, pero que el ya no quería nada con ella, que ya tenia a otra persona, que si lo amaba en verdad, que le deseaba suerte, pero que no lo buscara mas. Johana se quedó en una pieza, pero no pudo alegar nada, solo bajar la cabeza, ante el hombre que alguna vez tanto la amó.

Había comprobado de la manera mas dura, que no todo en la vida son lujos y placeres, que existen cosas mas valiosas en la vida como el amor, la lealtad, la verdadera compañía, la verdadera atención y cariño. Que existen personas realmente malas, oscuras, que se valen de estos terribles artilugios, para complacer sus mas temibles deseos, pero afortunadamente así también existen personas buenas, de luz, que con su amor y buenas intenciones nos salvan de terribles situaciones. Y Johana había perdido por su ambición, egoísmo a una de ellas.



Johana was a beautiful girl, in her youth, but still living with her parents, because she did not earn enough to become independent. She had a hard-working, attentive boyfriend, who liked and loved her, but at that time she was seeing him as an escape route to her "economic independence-freedom", so she did not object when he proposed to her.

She accepted. The wedding was quick, because she didn't want anything else, just to leave her mother's house, she wanted to have her own things, her own place, without anyone to set rules, that was the best thing. Her now husband was fascinated, because he could finally have the one who was now his wife at home and enjoy the life they would have ahead of them, how wrong he was?

Johana did not take long to show her true intentions, she began to go out with her friends everywhere she was invited, to bars, concerts, discos, in short. She started to buy new clothes, she changed her look, she wanted everyone to observe and admire her, to desire her even though she was gradually disappointing her husband with her disrespectful attitudes.

At first, he wanted to sit down with her to talk, to make agreements, to communicate, but Johana only rejected him, telling him that he was a poor man, that he would never give her what she needed and wanted. Her husband soon realized that she did not respect him or his feelings, that was the worst, but for love he tried to resist a little longer.

To see if Johana "changed", but things got worse, because she found herself a lover, who turned out to be her new boss. A shady, contemptuous, haughty man, but in the interest of getting her sexual favors, he showered her with gifts and attentions. Johana accepted him with full audacity. Soon this became public and Johana's husband ended up leaving her, extremely saddened and hurt.

At first Johana didn't mind, she said "Better", so she could walk without his "annoyance" and freely. Those days that followed were a whirlwind of parties, bars, nightclubs, where she went everywhere with her boss as a companion, Johana felt in the glory, until a few months later...

After being in one of these places with him, she began to see how her lover flirted shamelessly with another girl, without caring about her presence. When Johana saw this, she tried to complain and leave, but he took her by the arm and told her to sit down, that she had to allow him whatever he wanted, because she was only his girl on duty and that when he got tired of her, she would only be his "toy" until then, he could only leave, otherwise she should shut up and sit down.

Johana thought disappointed, that it had only been a whim of the man and that what she thought of being his wife or something at least similar, was very wrong and with everything and threats she tried to stand up and leave, but at that moment the man took out a strange doll, very similar to her and bent her legs backwards, then she fell to her knees on the floor, without understanding what was happening, she tried to stand up, but she could not, she was totally terrified.

Then the man, calmly with the doll in his hands told her: "You will get up, when I say and I want, I told you not to leave and you won't, you are my new toy now". Johana started to cry, not understanding what was happening, he just laughed with a macabre laugh. She told him she would do whatever he wanted, but to let her get up, he agreed, sadistically pleased.

That's how the night and part of the early morning passed. Until she got home, there Johana began to cry bitterly when she realized what she had done, needlessly because she had everything, humbly but that was how it was and what she had lost was the best thing that had crossed her life, a good and loving man. That is why she was clear that the one who was still her husband was the only one who could really help her in this mess, she could not trust anyone else.

She went to look for him and told him what had happened, about the doll, the reason for her deplorable physical and mental state. She begged him to help her, in case he had ever loved her. This noble man agreed, but only in the name of the great love he once had for her. He contacted a white witch, who helped her to get out of that spiritual quagmire, after several months, cleansings, prayers, she managed to get rid of that "spell".

She tried to look for her now ex, but he only told her that he helped her in the name of the love he once had for her, but that he no longer wanted anything with her, that he already had someone else, that he really loved her, that he wished her luck, but that she should not look for him anymore. Johana stayed in one piece, but she could not argue anything, just lower her head, before the man who once loved her so much.

I had proven the hard way, that not everything in life are luxuries and pleasures, that there are more valuable things in life such as love, loyalty, true company, true attention and affection. That there are really bad, dark people, who use these terrible gadgets, to please their most terrible desires, but fortunately there are also good people, of light, who with their love and good intentions save us from terrible situations. And Johana had lost one of them because of her ambition and selfishness.

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