Holidays Are Coming!!

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As in ehn, life is hard. And I just have to say this, we don’t have enough holidays to justify how hard we work. If employers had their way, they’d make people work endlessly for every single day of the year and still pay them peanuts. That’s their modus operandi, getting as much work out of you while paying you as little as possible. It’s insane.

But then, what can we do? All over the year, there are holidays scattered across, some are close together, making it seem like a particular period is full of holidays. A major example of this is this past month when we had the Easter break and then the Eid-Alfitri break as well. They are both close to each other and they are all public holidays. And then, there are periods when for months at a time, there won’t be even a whiff of a holiday. Yeah, some days are like that.


So, are there enough holidays for us? No. I really need more of them! If I had the chance to make it so, I wouldn’t really make a holiday, I’d rather extend the weekend. Fridays won’t be a half day anymore, it would be the start of the weekend. It would now be a four-day week and it would end on Thursday. On Fridays, everyone would be at home, relaxing and having a good time with their family. If you want your employees to show up to work during this period, you’ll have to pay them for overtime.

With less time to work and more time to chill, who knows, people might not feel so angry and stressed all the time. It can be quite frustrating when you’re walking on the road and a stranger just decides to transfer all aggression on you. You might brush against them by mistake, you apologize and think it’s over but not for them. They’ll come after you as if you’re their mortal enemy, when in fact they really want to go after their bosses.


So, with Fridays now officially a weekend, will I stop there? No. I’ll go on to make Mondays a half day. Monday is one of the most dreaded days and it’s impossible to look at it with excitement, not when you have work or school to look forward to. Unless something particularly exciting is going to happen, there is nothing exciting about Monday.

As a matter of fact, it’s usually the longest because Monday mornings are always the toughest. You leave earlier to beat the traffic, but the thing is that everyone else is also leaving earlier to beat the traffic. So, you all jam yourself at the junction as usual. To start the week on a good note, you try to make sure you start early, which means defying all odds just to get there on time. A lot goes into having a good Monday.


So, it’ll be a crime to start Monday at any time before 10 AM. If it’s 8 AM, go back to sleep or risk getting arrested. Businesses and schools will open by 12 PM and anything before that will attract heavy fines. One of the issues that make Monday so dreadful is having to get up early in the morning after having a weekend of relaxation. By making Monday a half-day, we’d ease ourselves back into the working spirit, and by Tuesday, we’d be working at full throttle.

These two ideas might seem big but I’m pretty sure we can do it. If I’m the president, I’ll definitely make it happen. But then, with all these extra days off and avenues for relaxation, you’d have no reason as an employee not to give your best. And if you do slack on your job, you’ll get kicked off at once.

Either way, these are my thoughts on holidays. Who knows, we might end up having it just like this. Never say never!


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the third topic of this week which is We Need More Holidays. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Yeah there is zero excitement towards Monday. The day that makes you go against your comforting will.


Yes... that's what's so frustrating about it!
You simply want to go back to bed!


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I support you. Fridays should be added to the weekend. Every adult will experience one shege or the other during the week. It’s not fair to experience five days of shege, lol
Working days should only be four


Yesso... five days of shege is not fair at all.
We deserve better!


I'd pick making Monday a holiday over Friday. Fridays are relatively short days compared to Mondays and they're not as strict and official as Monday. In most cases, work-life is fun and less chaotic on Fridays.

And too, I realized that once Monday does it's slow walk, the rest days in that week run by fast. So I want that. To spend the longer day of the week just chilling.


The thing is, if you do it that way, Tuesday will simply become the new Monday and over time, will get as much hate. People love Friday because it's the last day of the week, and hate Monday because it's the first. Once Tuesday becomes the first, then nothing really changes in that regard.


I think the analysis of what happens on Mondays - the traffic logjams and all that - is the reality of less than 20% of the working population. The challenge is mostly faced in Lagos and Abuja. How about the working population in the remaining 35 states? Things can vary anyway, according to the needs of different regions.

I wholeheartedly support the idea of making Friday fully part of weekend. Kaduna is doing it.


Yeah... things can vary. I grew up in Lagos and I had to experience the traffic issues first hand. It's one of the reasons I'll never be a fan of Mondays.


If truly you are going to enact Monday's as half day while Friday's weekends, then am your number 1 citizen because am voting for you as the next president of Nigeria.

Mr president✅


Hehe... that's awesome! This will be my first order of business!😂


I am not sure if more holidays bring any economic loss or not because I have less idea about a country's economic system. I think somehow it may affect productivity.


You're right, it'll reduce the country's productivity. We're just stuck in this vicious cycle and there's little any of us can do to get out.
