Tips So You Never Get Lost


Image by Andrew Neel

At one time or the other, we've all gone you go to a new area and despite all the directions we got, we still found ourselves needing more direction.

I know this because as a traveler, I've found myself in such situations over and over again. And in all the years I've been traveling, I've realized the best ways to get to my destination with the help of strangers and then return without any help at all.

I'll list some tips to guide you, so whenever you find yourself in such a situation, you'll know the right step to take. So, here goes:


Image by Yin Wong

This tip is coming from my perspective as a Nigerian. I know you'll be wondering why you shouldn't ask pedestrians, I'll explain it in a second.

Have you ever been walking on a street or road and then trying to stop someone to ask for something? Not necessarily for directions, but anything at all? Five out of ten people will outright ignore you. And of the remaining five, three will reply to you so coldly you'll not bother asking them. The other two are the ones who would give a listening ear.

Why is this so? We know the country is plagued by ritualists and kidnappers, robbers, and fraudsters. And these attributes are not written on the forehead. As the criminals walk the same road as law-abiding citizens, everyone tries to resist anything it anyone that would put them at risk. It's an instinct. After all, there have been stories of people going missing after speaking to strangers. This only helps to fuel the fire.

The two out of the ten that might give you an audience are the bold ones and that's probably because they live in the area and feel safe there.

So, if we can't ask pedestrians, who would we ask? The next tip will answer that.


Image by Frank Mckenna

These guys are the fountain of information when you're seeking directions seeing as they know where all the roads lead to. You might get lucky and the driver might be plying your route, making things easier for you.

But what if there are no commercial drivers around? The next tip will help.


Image by Marcus Winkler

When you think of this tip, it's pretty obvious. There's nowhere you'll go that you won't find a single shop. Not to talk of when you're in a bustling city.

Shop owners are more likely to be more accommodating to you, because when you approach they'll think you're a customer and so treat you as such. And they're usually more forthcoming, with directions (although not all of them) than pedestrians.

I do this all the time and it works for me. And as a token of thanks, I usually buy something small from them (not compulsory) if it's affordable. Just so everyone is happy.


Image by Nupo Deyon Daniel

This tip is probably as important as getting the right directions. When going somewhere for the first time, be very observant. Take note of that three-story building, the small church, the purple school, the bank.

These things would go a long way in helping you find your way when you're returning.

One thing I've noticed is that when going and coming, the road usually looks a bit different for first-timers. On your return trip, before you take that next street, you'll first study it critically, looking for a structure you'll recognize before taking it. If you go to a new area often enough, you'll begin to choose landmarks without even knowing it.

And a note of warning, while the landmarks are important, don't make use of too much of them. So many structures on your mind will make them all look alike and bring confusion. Having like one or two in each street should be sufficient.


Image by Zhang Dayong

So, you've gotten to your destination, do your business. Now it's time to leave. Please and please, unless you have someone who knows the area taking you, do not leave at night. Because once darkness falls, everything looks different. The lighting changes from sunlight to electricity. And some places will be dark, you won't even be able to recognize your landmarks.

And not to talk of your safety. Hoodlums and criminals are everywhere. And they operate mostly at night. People walking about looking lost would be handy targets.

So once again please, do what you can to leave before dark. And if you must leave after dark, go in an Uber or taxi. The extra cost may save your life.


Image by CardMapr

The importance of this cannot be overstated. It's so appealing how people go to strange places with phones that have low batteries. Or even worse, without phones at all.

The phone is for you to place calls, either to get more direction or to give updates to those expecting you. Furthermore, smartphones have maps that can help in finding your way.

When going to a new place, try your best to go with a fully charged phone. Anything can happen.


Image by Michel Stockman

And that's it, the six tips for not getting lost when in a new area. These tips can be applied anywhere in the world, but I am writing these only from my experience as a traveler in Nigeria. There are probably more tips, but you can let me know in the comments section.

Image by Sam Knight

Traveling is fun, but it will only be truly enjoyable when you do it the right way and play safe. Because the best thing about traveling is getting to come back home in one piece to your loved ones.

Thank you for reading. See you in the next post.


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