Around The World: Challenge - #33/2



(Google translate from Czech))

Takový trochu jiný pátek. Ať už slavíte nebo ne, ať jste nebo nejste příznivci vánoc, můžeme najít společnou řeč.
Such a slightly different Friday. Whether you are celebrating or not, whether you are a Christmas fan or not, we can find common ground.

Vítejte u vyhlášení třicátého třetího kola fotografické soutěže pro všechny uživatele Hive
Welcome to the announcement of the thirty-third round of the photo competition for all Hive users

𝓐𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭

Pěkné fotografie dokáží spojit celý svět. Pochlubte se těmi vašimi. Ukažte, jak krásně je ve vašem okolí. Jistě potěšíte více lidí, než jen mne. Ano, pořád sbírám zajímavé fotografie. A pořád jsem ochoten poskytnout vám za fotografie odměnu.
Stačí maličkost. Přihlásit vaši fotografii do soutěže a dodržet soutěžní pravidla :-).
Nice photos can connect the whole world. Show off yours. Show how beautiful it is in your area. You will surely please more people than just me. Yes, I still collect interesting photos. And I'm still willing to give you a reward for the photos.
A little is enough. Register your photo in the competition and follow the competition rules :-).


  • use the #aroundtheworld tag only on a single competition photo article
  • iinsert the link to the article with the competition photo in the comments section of this article!
  • The competition photo must (!) be your own and have in the caption where it was taken
  • Only one photo from each competitor will be included in the competition
  • If your article contains more than one photo, please tag (eg "this is a contest photo") the photo you want to place in the contest
  • Only photos showing places in your area or places from your holiday have a chance to choose
    (kitchens or gardens are interesting but not for this competition)

Selection of winners.
I will ask you for active cooperation.
Your competition photos will be placed on the discord of the Czech community on a special channel #around-the-world-by-bucipuci on Saturday morning.
By connecting to the discord and inserting a "voting emoji" under the photo you selected, you will help me choose the winner. Before each "vote" I will determine how many "votes" you can give
I will evaluate the competition round on Sunday evening based on your votes under the competition photos

do not include links to competition photos in the #around-the-world-by-bucipuci channel! This channel will only be used for voting !!!

Prizes for the winners.

First prize ... 1.5 HBD
Second prize ... 1 HBD
Third prize ... 0.6 HBD

If your contest photo is part of the daily report for ACTIFIT, I will add the following prices:

First prize ... 100 AFIT
Second prize ... 60 AFIT
Third prize ... 40 AFIT

I will appreciate everyone who participates in the competition.


  • použít značku #aroundtheworld pouze na jediném článku se soutěžní fotografií
  • vložit odkaz na článek se soutěžní fotografií do sekce komentářů k tomuto článku!
  • soutěžní fotografie musí(!) být vaše vlastní a mít v popisku kde byla pořízena
  • do soutěže bude zařazena jen jedna fotografie od každého soutěžícího
  • pokud bude váš článek obsahovat více fotografií, označte slovy (např. „toto je fotografie do soutěže“) fotografii, kterou chcete umístit do soutěže
  • šanci na výběr mají jen fotografie zobrazující místa ve vašem okolí nebo místa z vaši dovolené
    (kuchyně nebo zahrádky jsou zajímavé ale ne pro tuto soutěž)

Výběr výherců.
Požádám vás o aktivní spolupráci.
Vaše soutěžní fotografie budou v sobotu dopoledne umístěny na diskordu České komunity ve speciálním kanále #around-the-world-by-bucipuci
Připojením na diskord a vložením „hlasujícího emoji“ pod vámi vybranou fotografii mi pomůžete vybrat vítěze. Před každým „hlasováním“ určím, kolik můžete rozdat „hlasů“
Vyhodnocení soutěžního kola provedu v neděli večer na základě vašich hlasů pod soutěžními fotografiemi

do kanálu #around-the-world-by-bucipuci nevkládejte odkazy na soutěžní fotografie! Tento kanál bude sloužit pouze pro hlasování!!!

Žádám tímto členy české komunity o aktivní účast na hlasování :-)

Ceny pro vítěze.

První cena ... 1.5 HBD
Druhé cena ... 1 HBD
Třetí cena ... 0.6 HBD

Pokud je vaše soutěžní fotografie součástí denního hlášení pro ACTIFIT, přidám ještě tyto ceny:

První cena ... 100 AFIT
Druhá cena ... 60 AFIT
Třetí cena ... 40 AFIT

Ocením každého, kdo se soutěže zúčastní.


Pokud jste dočetli až sem, tak vás musím pochválit. Pravidla znáte. Je na vás, jestli se jimi budete řídit. Upozorňuji však, že nedodržení pravidel je stejné, jako by jste se soutěže vůbec nezúčastnili.
If you have read this far, I must praise you. You know the rules. It's up to you to follow them. However, please note that non-compliance is the same as if you did not participate in the competition at all.

logo for @tazi

created by @xlisto
Česká komunita na Hive


Tradiční poznámka na závěr:
Toto kolo soutěže se uzavře 31.12.2021 ve 20:00 SEČ
Traditional note at the end:
This round of the competition will close on 12/31/2021 at 20:00 CET


As I am spending December in Denmark, my entry will be from that country. The North of Denmark is called Vendsyssel. It's located between Skagerrak and Kattegat , ie. between the North and Baltic Seas. Prevailing west winds have created a phenomenon of nature - sand dunes far from the nearest sea shore. The dunes are... wandering, from west to east. Wind moves particles of sand, and one by one, moves a few square km of dunes inland. They move some 18m / year - so one can observe the effect during a lifetime. Here's full story

Råbjerg Mile - migrating dunes, Northern Denmark


Thanks for the link.
Your reports and photos from Denmark are all interesting :-)


quite different from my usual mountain trips

I came here to help my "Maminka" who had had an accident and moves with difficulty. I work remotely, so no big deal. And I have used my weekends to the maximum. See the "Nordsostien" tag on my blog. I have still at least 3 posts in my head. All my hikes here have followed or touched the North Sea Trail in North Denmark. It's an interesting part of the country. Sculpted by glaciers, surrounded by two seas and dotted with natural phenomena. I have found here good hiking grounds and interesting stories to write about.


You can find something interesting everywhere :-)



BTW - I've found out that mapy.CZ (sic!) are most accurate here. Official foot- cycling- and horse riding paths but also forest fire lanes and in fact any walk-able paths are all well mapped.


The application is one of the best. They can also be downloaded to a mobile phone and can also work offline


this is why I use the app here :-)

I had good experience with the app in CZ, PL and SK, but thought it's only local enterprise. As I said, here in DK, they are very accurate as well. I haven't found anything better to use here. I can plan using the tiniest path, can add to my route any point on the map (some apps only allow official trails, or only places of interest / node points).


For example, @softa uses everywhere in the world. He even "saved" several tourists from wandering in Creta, Greece :-)


In Central and Western Europe work could be said almost perfectly. It is worse on the islands around Europe, where they do not pay much attention to the maintenance of smaller trails. So you move along the map and find yourself on a trail that stopped being used in the 90's. So the walk turns into an adventure.


thanks for your opinion. I do not mind an adventure from time to time. But if the adventure ends in a swamp... :-)

happy hiking in the New Year!
