Is Cleaning a Burden or Just another Chore?

The moment I saw the Ecency discord topic for this week, I felt this was the motivation I have been waiting for to take out my trash he he I’m kidding I always take out my trash but there is one thing that is hard for me and that Is my laundry.

Image by sgveng on Pixabay

In 2016, I was in college then, I remember any time I get a call from my friends informing me that they would be coming I would run and start tidying up my house throwing out trash and washing if I could or hiding them away, please don’t laugh I was not perfect then, I’m still not perfect.

If it was a girl coming over, the rush to clean up would be 2x, not like I was that dirty but I just wanted everything to be perfect.

Now, I thought I’d have overgrown that but no, just yesterday, I found myself rushing to take out the trash I forgot because a friend was coming over, I stopped halfway tho, laughing at myself.

When I told him about it, he was like “Buezor I won’t even notice it, with that nice spaghetti you make”. Turns out my spaghetti covered for me haha.

It is as if my clothes are endless and no matter how much of it I wash each weekend I still see a remainder at the end of the day.

It has been months since I did a complete wash and there were no clothes left, I always keep one or two, sometimes because of no space on the rope other times because I’m tired and I put them up for the next wash and so the circle continues.

Let’s just say cleaning when it comes to my clothes is a hard chore. Contrary to my laundry, however, I am a good hand when it comes to the kitchen.

Maybe it is because of how I was brought up, as the eldest person at home I was tasked with doing the dishes for a long time until my brothers came of age and relieved me of a task that became a chore I came to love.

Image by The Virtual Denise on Pixabay

I not only clean the plates well but I was also a good handler and it was seldom reported that I broke a plate or had a glass slip out of my hands. I remember my mom complaining about how she was running out of glass cups as my younger brother keeps smashing them.

I can still remember my job in the bakeries like it was yesterday. At first, I was subjected to cleaning pans, washing off the oily grease from the pans and the buttered-flour smear from the mixers and bowls.

It was slightly harder than the dishes I was used to and loved doing. I had to use water to soften some of the utensils for hours before I washed them.

Image by Julien David on Pixabay

As a junior baker, I couldn’t complain but all those added to my dishwashing skills if you will call it that, he he. I would say I also learned a lot from the humility I put in as other bakers were easily keen to show me new techniques and easy way-outs.

How do you do your laundry? In batches like me or you just pack them all and get it over with. I do that sometimes, but not often.

I think a washing machine would solve my laundry issues until then I will wash them as far as my strength goes, and eventually, I will outrun my pile of clothes.


Hey we could build a perfect household ;-) here its the other way round. Clothes no problem, dishes.... hmmmm ;-) good I have a dish washing machine!
Thanks for joining #edtopic


I thought dishes were easy for ladies. Thank God for the Dishwasher else I would have seen a whole paragraph of you complaining he he😃😂. Thanks for reading means alot.


This has me remember my hopes to buy that automatic washing machine, laundry makes me tired of all the chores by just thinking about it. By in the mean time that I can still not afford it, I will hand wash it by batches so it will not be so piled up to the point that huh! never mind, just let it be.

cleaning for me is part of living, not a burden just a chore.


In batches help right. Makes everything easier. So is laundry an everyday thing for you or just weekends like me


Just weekends, it saves water I believe.


Ha ha . True, and the soap. Thanks tho for visiting my blog. Means alot.
