Know this as a man before you choose your woman
One day I sat down with my neighbors discussing life and somehow it got to marital gist and one of the two said that a woman needs to support her husband by working but I disagree with her opinion.

There are many ways a woman can support her man, earning money for the family is just one of the ways and it is not all men that want their wife to work as long as they are earning enough to run the family.
As a man, you have to think deeply before deciding who you want to marry.
If you choose a working woman as a partner, you must understand that she can't handle all the house chores and take care of your home effectively, she can't be fully devoted to you either when her work is on the line, there would be the time you would need her but her work would be a barrier, you have to bear that cross because you wanted a woman that can support by providing for the family too.
If you choose a housewife who will be devoted to you, and take care of the house and the family, you have to understand she is not earning money and you should be ready to take care of all the bills and give her money too.
You just need to know that whatever the reason for choosing a partner, there will be advantages and disadvantages.

My neighbor who made this statement isn't married and she is working, she is an independent woman and she leaves the house as early as 7 a.m. and returns home by 8 p.m., if she had a husband, he would have to bear her absence all day and should not expect her to handle all the house chores alone since she would be so tired by the time she gets back home from work.
I told her that my woman is not working and I won't allow her to work in the future either unless it is remote work and this is because I want her full-time attention and I want her devoted to raising our family, I will make the money and might put her on salary or open a business for her as long as it won't affect the growth of our children, I need her to groom them well, this is the support I need from her.
As a man, do you want a housewife or a working woman?
There is a prize to be paid for the type of woman you choose, If you choose a beautiful woman, be ready to spend on her to keep her beauty and also be ready to endure the gaze of other men at her, a farmer who plants his crops near a busy road and a man who married a beautiful woman are in the same situation, they won't have peace of mind for fear of others stealing what belongs to them.

Just call me Burl.
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Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

Well, each has their advantages and disadvantages, like you said, though I will prefer a working woman. But we both will make sure she gets the kind of job that won't keep her away that much from the family. I would also hire house servants to help her with the chores. I think that will work best for me.
That make sense, as for me I also do not like the idea of house servant because I don't know think they can take good care of the children like the mother.
If I were a man, I think I would prefer a woman that works. Apart from the fact that you have to work and bring something to the table, there is also the aspect of one's mental health. Staying indoor for weeks, months and years can begin to tell on your self-esteem and self-worth as a whole.
As a man, are you ready to do laundry, bath the children and take them to school during days your wife is busy at work?
Of course, It won't be a challenge if there is an understanding between us. I will even cook for my wife before she comes back 😃
In my preference, I like self-dependent women having a strong personality. I don't think work can be a barrier and I think we can cook and do other household work together. Personally, I never think cooking and other household work is bound to be done by women. But I think in one case I am worried and it's about the future child and in that case I want my wife to stay at home because for proper growth of the future child, the mother's role is very important and nobody can play the role. So, In the overall situation, I think remote work will be best for my wife compared to working offline. I respect women but children's matter is not so silly thing either. I think @nkemakonam89 is an example of it. She left her job for her child but she is still a self-dependent person.
Hehe... it's time demanding raising kids and for someone like me who doesn't want a nanny to take care of my kids for me....I had to resign from my office job and take remote job... currently working on a bussiness which I will be doing from home as well
Overall, it's all about the understanding spouse have over running their family