Princess sipha: The fiercest khmer warrior


Hello famz, today's post is about one of my favorite card that i love to use in battle, she is the princess of khmer, not only is she a wise ruler but also a great warrior, her presence in battles gives me that assurance needed to conquer the enemies monsters.. like i use to say every monster's got their own past and story to tell.. Kymer princess story is a sad one but that didn't stop her from achieving greatness...

Once, on the other side of the world, a great Empire thrived known as Khmer. After generations of great losses from a horrific and indescribable enemy, the Khmer were forced to abandon their home and relinquish their Empire. The small numbers that remain of the Khmer have traveled the Outer Ocean on tecnologically advanced ships, the first in the Splinterlands to make use of combustion engines. The magic of the Khmer is also powered by fire, which explains why they have chosen the Burning Lands to make their new home. They are ruled by Princess Sipha; not only is she the only among her seven sisters that survived the wars, but she is the fiercest Khmer warrior. She has very little to prove, but she will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her Khmer people.

Edition: Untamed
Rarity: Rare
Element: Earth

Khmer princess is a 2 mana monsters with two unique abilities that she get at certain level...

image.png - She is bestowed with healing gift at level four.

image.png - The triage ability heals the friendly back-line monster that has taken the most damage, she get this ability when she is maxed..

The earth is the splinter with the highest heal tank and healing monsters, ranging from spirit of the forest, wood nymph and some other monsters that self heal but one think makes khmer princess outstanding and special and that is the fact that she can heal others and at the same time heal herself or better still heal two monsters at the same time..

How to use khmer princess in battles

There are different position you can place your khmer but never place as your first monster in battle because it is a healer and can only perform her best when you placed her at the back side to heal the monsters who suffer damage during hit and attack in battles...

I love using khmer princess especially in low mana battles cos her 2 mana is always an advantage, it can easily fit in in such rules without any ish... This is one of the battles i had with the princess..


battle link

AS you can see, using big monsters in a low mana battles doesn't always favor the player but if you use low mana monsters with the right set up, there is atleast above 50% chance you are going to win the battle.. i play @fucanglong account and instead of placing flesh golem with 6 mana as my first card, i used 2 mana failed summoner instead cos of his magic reflect and demoralize ability.. i won the match so easily... In my next post i will be discussion the failed summoner as the combo of this monster and the princess is deadly in low mana rules..

gif sp.gif


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Posted via | The City of Neoxian
