Someone who knows how it feels to be hungry would never starve others

Hunger has killed more people in the world than Aids.


People who have been hungry and had nothing to eat would understand the real definition of it and it is something I would not wish for my enemy.

Many years ago, my parent wanted to travel and they asked If I would love to join them but I refused because I do not like traveling, moreover I have my own plans, whenever they travel I always have the freedom to go anywhere I like, unlike when my mum used to be a barrier stopping me from going out to play with friends...

Whenever they plan to go on a trip, I am always happy and it was the same feeling I had on that fateful day. Immediately they left the house that day, I also locked the doors and bounced out to meet my friends.

There is a field in our community where we play football morning and evening, it was my destination and the game ended after two hours... I was feeling hungry but was dejected when I dipped my hand into my pocket and could not bring out the money they gave me for food.

There was no food at home either, so I just took my bath and went to play in one of my friends' house, when I got there, the mum was cooking beans, even though I wished I could get some beans from her but no way I would beg for it because I was not taught that way and I do not have it in me to beg for food... I was only hoping the woman would offer me some.

The woman knew my parents traveled so when the food was ready, she did not ask me If I wanted some instead she said I should go and bring a plate so she could give me some, I was glad she didn't ask because I might have turned her down unintentional, so I rushed home to take a plate amidst praying and thanking the woman in my mind for her generosity, after giving me the beans she also gave me Garri that I would use to eat it... My joy knew no bounds as I thanked the woman.


She might not see what she did as something special but to me, it means everything because I would have spent the whole day hungry without her generosity and I do not think I would ever forget her kindness.

What she did that day taught me a good lesson that we do not have to ask people if they are hungry before we give them something, some people are so shy that they will tell you no if you offer them something that they need, it is just how they were brought up and I am someone like that too, So I learn to give people food without them asking.

When People visit me at my house, I always think I am obliged to entertain them with either food or drinks which is the right thing to do but then I realized many people don't do that when you visit them.

That does not stop me from doing it because I love people getting fed, No matter how broke I am, I do not like to see others hungry, so if someone asks me for money for food, I must give them something even if it is not up to what they need.

A few years ago, a lady approached me in the night and told me she needed money to eat because she had not eaten anything and she had kids, somehow I didn't believe her story but what if she was telling the truth? So I told her to follow me and I took her to the nearest food store and bought rice and the ingredients she would need to cook for her.

I figured out she was not lying about it and I was glad I didn't turn her down because I thought she was lying, there are many other cases like that, it is endless but one thing I do not like doing is starving people because I know how It feels to be hungry.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Aww that woman is so kind. It made me remember when I was at the university. There was a woman who used to give me food (Sahur) during Ramadan
I don’t ask her ooh. She just gives me because she wants to


Suck a kind woman, people will be remembered for their deeds just like you remember her


There are people like that indeed, they can't speak up their needs and so it's in our duty to help out even before we are asked.

The woman did the right thing not asking first because it was quite obvious you'd need that food since your parents are not around.


Yea I think that was exactly her thought, she knew I would need it or maybe she have studied me and realized am hungry, mothers can easily tell


Just the title alone is enough for me to agree with you without arguing. Apart from food, showing kindness to people shouldn't come with asking them before doing it. I imagine how snart people who want to give food to others and ask question like "will you eat food?"

How smart or brainy they feel they are. Why ask when you don't want to. That's a clear proof that there is no intention of giving the food in the first place but only to fulfill all righteousness.

Being kind to others is one way we can encourage them to be kind to others.


Yea people should learn to give without asking … take is better that do you want . Because even shy people won’t know how to reject when you tell them to take but they can easily say no if you ask if they want


Exactly the point. If only people that are victims can understand that and offer sincerely instead of lip services. Happy Sunday to you 😊 sir @burlarj .


That's really True

I fall amidst the set of people that finds it so hard to ask for things and I know how much effect it has got on me

That was so sweet of her
Women naturally just have this great motherly love that I admire so so much.
She sure will be remembered for her good deeds


She is well remembered, I don’t even think I can forget that day because it happened long ago around that 2009


People like that are people you can hardly get hold off
Because they'd always be remembered for there good deeds no matter the situation.
She's a good person
And I pray God bless all her heart desire.
Thank you for sharing out.


It is true that when it comes to us, we know how much pain and suffering there is. If we do, we are doing very wrong. We should always help such people.


I've also learn that lesson about giving people a helping hand without asking whether they need it or not. I think when we asked them given the position they may find themselves, they will unintentionally turn us down and tell us they're okay, but looking beyond face value, we can always tell that this isn't necessarily the case.


Yes some people don’t really know how to admit they need help so it is pointless asking them, but if you do it for them without them asking they will accept it with joy and appreciation


Exactly, it's also much better that way, by passing words and going straight to the solution.


I never experienced the hungerness anytime except the time of Ramadan. I think Ramadan comes to us to realize what hungerness is and how poor people feel when they become hungry. I also don't wish to see anyone hungry.


That is also another good way to learn about hunger.
