A Strange Sunday: Nothing went as I thought it would| StoryTime of my unexpected things [ESP/ING]


¡Hola, Comunidad de Hive!

Hello, Hive Commnunity!

Siempre pienso que los domingo son un día para descansar, pero, también adelantar ciertas cosas de la semana, hoy me levanté con un plan de domingo que incluía hacer algunas actividades pendientes, dedicarme un momento para mí y terminar temprano para poder tener un momento de ocio, quizá terminar de ver Peaky Blinders, una serie que estoy amando realmente y la cual espero terminar pronto para contarles.

El caso es que, me levanté con toda la paz del mundo, y mi novio me comenta para lavar el tanque de la casa, el cual tenemos desde junio del año pasado, así que bueno, me fui a bañar para ir vaciando el mismo. Hasta ese momento todo iba bien... Cuando el tanque estuvo vacio, mi novio y yo intentamos voltear el tanque para sacarle un poquito de agua que todavía le quedaba, en lo que hicimos ese movimiento, se me resbalo la parte que tenía guatada y terminamos con mucha agua sucia obviamente en suelo.

I always think that Sundays are a day to rest, but, also to advance certain things of the week, today I got up with a Sunday plan that included doing some pending activities, dedicate a moment for me and finish early to be able to have a moment of leisure, maybe finish watching Peaky Blinders, a series that I am really loving and which I hope to finish soon to tell you about.

The thing is, I woke up with all the peace in the world, and my boyfriend tells me to wash the tank of the house, which we have since June last year, so well, I went to take a bath to empty it. Up to that moment everything was going well... When the tank was empty, my boyfriend and I tried to turn the tank upside down to take out a little bit of water that was still left, while we were doing that movement, the part that had the tank on the bottom slipped and we ended up with a lot of dirty water obviously on the floor.

La verdad la anécdota me parece gracioso en este momento, pero, hace unas horas realmente no encontraba que hacer, el agua empezó a correr por todo el apartamente y realmente la cosa se complicaba porque no era agua limpia, era agua sucia, así que teníamos que sacar el agua, el sucio... Se nos mojaron todas las alfombras de la casa y también tuvimos que secar todas las áreas del edificio que se mojaron a consecuencia de nuestro derame.

Antes, como a la 1:30 de la tarde tuvimos que ir a comprar para hacer la comida, y esa fue nuestra parada técnica, compramos lo más rápido que pudimos y regresamos a seguir con nuestro proceso de sacar agua, al menos en ese momento, ya el agua no corría hacia el edificio. Sin metirles estuve desde el mediodía hasta las 4 de la tarde sacando agua, obviamente en ese corre corre, no pudimos hacer el amuerzo, y a ese hora fue que nos pusimos a cocinar.

The truth is the anecdote seems funny to me at the moment, but, a few hours ago I really could not find what to do, the water started to run all over the apartment and it was really complicated because it was not clean water, it was dirty water, so we had to remove the water, the dirt.... All the carpets in the house got wet and we also had to dry all the areas of the building that got wet as a result of our spill.

Earlier, at about 1:30 in the afternoon we had to go shopping to make lunch, and that was our technical stop, we bought as fast as we could and returned to continue with our process of drawing water, at least at that time, the water was not running into the building. Without putting them I was from noon until 4 in the afternoon drawing water, obviously in that time, we could not make lunch, and at that time we started to cook.

Luego de eso, empezamos a cocinar, una carne con tomate y cebolla, arroz, papitas al vapor y jugo de parchita, evidentemente comimos muy tarde, así que, yo empecé a trabajar durante la tarde, saque primero las actividades que eran más urgentes y luego termine con mis lecciones de inglés de este semeste... El cual, ya esta terminando para mi tranquilidad, y también mi preocupación por el inicio del otro semestre.

En este momento, este día está terminando y aunque pensaría que estaría muy cansada, realmente si estoy un poco cansada, pero, no tanto como pensaba, aunque no cumplí lo que me propuse hoy, no podemos controlar y la verdad no me amargue por las cosas, ni me estrese, solo quise fluir. En estos momento, me da risa y por eso decidí contarles sobre mi día de hoy.

After that, we started to cook, meat with tomato and onion, rice, steamed potatoes and parchita juice, evidently we ate very late, so I started to work during the afternoon, first I took out the activities that were more urgent and then I finished with my English lessons for this semester.... Which is already ending for my peace of mind, and also my concern for the beginning of the next semester.

At this moment, this day is ending and although I would think that I would be very tired, I really am a little tired, but not as much as I thought, although I did not accomplish what I proposed today, we can not control and the truth is that I did not get bitter about things, nor did I get stressed, I just wanted to flow. At this moment, it makes me laugh and that's why I decided to tell you about my day today.

Gracias por acompañarme en este pequeño StoryTime.
Nos leemos pronto.

Thanks for joining me in this little StoryTime.
See you soon.
