En el callejón 512| Un poco de mi Inspiración [ESP/ING]


Cuenta la leyenda de mi mente creativa que en el callejón 512 hace muchos años se durmió un alma libre que aporto tanto a la vida como pudo, era un alma que recorrió muchas partes del universo con tan solo cerrar los ojos, de esas personas que son como esperanzas vivas de un posible futuro, esas personas que son más que ilusiones, son vida.

Muchos lloraron la partida de aquella alma, pero se encargaron de resaltar aquellas cosas que en vida hizo, las cosas que marcaron la historia de muchos y que pocos saben con exactitud como resultaron aquellos acontecimientos. Dijeron que había sido una gran persona y que no merecía aquel trágico final.

The legend of my creative mind tells that in alley 512, many years ago, a free soul fell asleep that contributed as much to life as it could, it was a soul that traveled through many parts of the universe just by closing its eyes, one of those people who are like living hopes of a possible future, those people who are more than illusions, they are life.

Many mourned the departure of that soul, but they were in charge of highlighting those things he did in life, the things that marked the history of many and that few know exactly how those events turned out. They said that he had been a great person and that he did not deserve that tragic end.

Dicen que todos llegamos al mundo con un propósito, y que hay algunas personas son tan extraordinarias que su propósito se vuelve grande ante las inquietudes de su mente. Aquella vida que se perdió, era tan mágica, que su propósito fue más allá de su mente, puedo decir que se sintió como si pudiera leer la mente de cada una de las personas a las que amaba y construir todo lo que pudo hacer con sus manos.

Aquel callejón entonces arrebato sueños, alegrías y tristezas, sin consciencia, sin sentido solo con maldad y alevosía. Gracias a esto muchas lagrimas fueron derramadas, lagrimas de tristeza y maltrato de aquellos quienes apreciaban la vida, los sueños y las esperanzas.

En el callejón 512 se apagaron las estrellas que aquella alma guiaba, se apago la lista reproducción en la que se representaron sus gustos. Se dejaron de transmitir aquella escenas de su vida y en su mente se lamento de no haber tenido más tiempo para crear unas más impactantes.

They say that we all come into the world with a purpose, and that there are some people who are so extraordinary that their purpose becomes great before the concerns of their mind. That life that was lost, was so magical, that its purpose went beyond his mind, I can say that he felt as if he could read the mind of each of the people he loved and build everything he could do with his hands.

That alley then snatched dreams, joys and sorrows, without conscience, without sense only with malice and malice aforethought. Thanks to this many tears were shed, tears of sadness and mistreatment of those who cherished life, dreams and hopes.

In alley 512 the stars that guided that soul were extinguished, the playlist in which her tastes were represented was extinguished. Those scenes of her life were no longer transmitted and in her mind she regretted not having had more time to create more impressive ones.

La hora exacta del suceso no se conoce con exactitud pero dicen las personas que a las 11:11 la noticia comenzó a correr, a algunos se les paralizo el corazón, a otros se les desgarraron las ilusiones de un futuro mucho más bonito y a otros simplemente les dio igual; porque en su corazón no habían restos de melancolía y en su mente no quedaron recuerdos que revivir.

Solo aquel callejón conoce el motivo para tanto sufrimiento, muchos no entenderán las señales, otros lo harán en algún momento de su vida y algunos van a olvidar el suceso en pocos días.

Al final del día, por si no han entendido...
Todos podemos ser el callejón 512...
Todos podemos ser también aquella alma que se apago...

The exact time of the event is not known exactly but people say that at 11:11 the news began to spread, some people's hearts were paralyzed, others had their illusions of a much more beautiful future torn away and others simply did not care; because in their hearts there were no traces of melancholy and in their minds there were no memories to relive.

Only that alley knows the reason for so much suffering, many will not understand the signs, others will at some point in their lives and some will forget the event in a few days.

At the end of the day, in case you haven't understood....
We can all be alley 512....
We can all also be that soul that was extinguished...

Hola, comunidad de Hive. Espero que se entienda el mensaje que quiero transmitir, y que este post les haya gustado. Nos leemos pronto.
Hello, Hive community. I hope the message I want to convey is understood, and that you liked this post. See you soon.
