Shopping Day| A day with Cami [ESP/ING]


¡Hola, Comunidad de Hive!

Hello, Hive Commnunity!

El día de hoy quiero compartirles un día de compras, resulta que @lucianav me había dicho que en una de las tiendas por departamento más grandes del país (Traki) había 25% de descuento en mercancía de damas, yo andaba en busca de algunos shorts, camisas casuales así que le dije que sería buena idea ir. Salimos de casa en la mañana, tomamos un bus hasta el Centro Comercial Cumaná, antiguo HiperGalerías, allá es donde queda la tienda.

Antes de ir a Traki yo quería ir a Jadu, una tienda donde semanas atrás había visto un bolso que me encantaba y la verdad es que el precio me parecía razonable para la calidad del bolso, además quería cosmetiqueras para guardar cosas y esta era la tienda perfecto para ello; termine tomando un set de cosmetiqueras por 8$ y el Bolso en 20$, me dirigí a pagar y quede muy feliz porque solo quedaban 2 bolsos en negro, y yo me traje uno de ellos.

Today I want to share with you a shopping day, it turns out that @lucianav had told me that in one of the largest department stores in the country (Traki) there was a 25% discount on women's merchandise, I was looking for some shorts, casual shirts so I told her it would be a good idea to go. We left home in the morning, took a bus to the Centro Comercial Cumaná, formerly HiperGalerías, that's where the store is located.

Before going to Traki I wanted to go to Jadu, a store where weeks ago I had seen a bag that I loved and the truth is that the price seemed reasonable for the quality of the bag, plus I wanted cosmetic bags to store things and this was the perfect store for it; I ended up taking a set of cosmetic bags for 8$ and the bag for 20$, I went to pay and I was very happy because there were only 2 bags in black, and I brought one of them.

Luego subimos a Traki, la verdad es que al ser una tienda tan inmensa y también económica es bueno revisar con calma y tomarse el tiempo, así que nosotras tomamos nuestro carrito y fuimos buscando prendas, yo lleve unos pañitos de cocina y una taza de Paul Frank que me encanto, me enamoro. En el camino fui consiguiendo muchas cosas que me enamoraron.

Then we went up to Traki, the truth is that being such a huge and inexpensive store is good to review calmly and take our time, so we took our cart and went looking for clothes, I took some kitchen towels and a Paul Frank mug that I loved, I fell in love. On the way I was getting many things that I fell in love with.

Me gusta que puedo medirme la ropa, aunque debo quejarme de que las cosas que vienen en conjunto no se pueden medir, ya que están pegadas y eso me enoja porque había uno que realmente me gustaba y no pude comprarlo porque no sabría si la tela iba a transparentar; un conjunto de mono y suéter, la verdad me quedo con las ganas de comprarlo.

También andaba en busca de shorts, así que tome 4 para probármelos y decidir cual me gustaba más, uno falda-short que al principio no me gusto mucho pero cuando me lo medí me enamore, uno negro en tela de jean, dos de jeans azul. Termine quedándome con el falda-short y el negro; los otros dos no me gustaron, no porque en diseño estuvieran mal si no que no me quedaban lindos en el cuerpo. En cuestión de camisas, tome una que no me convencía porque pensé sería medio transparente y es estilo crop top; pero la verdad fue que me gusto mucho y me la quede. También tome un suéter negro de una tela bastante fresca y una camisa 3/4 a rayas que me pareció muy cuchi. Al final me encontré con un conjunto de pijama de camisa y short que me gusto mucho y me lo traje.

I like that I can measure my clothes, although I must complain that the things that come as a set can not be measured, as they are glued and that makes me angry because there was one that I really liked and I could not buy it because I did not know if the fabric would be transparent; a set of jumpsuit and sweater, the truth is that I was left with the desire to buy it.

I was also looking for shorts, so I took 4 to try them on and decide which one I liked the most, a skirt-short that at first I didn't really like but when I measured it I fell in love, a black one in jean fabric, two in blue jeans. I ended up keeping the skirt-short and the black one; the other two I didn't like, not because the design wasn't good but because they didn't fit my body. In terms of shirts, I took one that did not convince me because I thought it would be half transparent and it is crop top style; but the truth was that I liked it a lot and I kept it. I also took a black sweater of a very cool fabric and a 3/4 striped shirt that I thought was very cute. At the end I found a pajama set with a shirt and shorts that I really liked and I brought it with me.

Todas las prendas de ropa tenían un 25% de descuento, la suma sin el descuento hubiese sido de 40$; y con el descuento todas las prendas de ropa fueron 30$, me pareció bastante bien. Son cosas que sé les voy a sacar mucho provecho y me diverti bastante buscando las prendas.

Como le he dicho muchas veces @lucianav, nosotras no podemos salir sin comer algo, esta vez nos decidimos por una pizza sencilla, luego llegamos a casa y yo estaba muy feliz por mis cosas nuevas, comprar siempre me encanta.

All the clothes were 25% off, the amount without the discount would have been $40; and with the discount all the clothes were $30, I thought it was pretty good. These are things that I know I'm going to get a lot of use out of and I had a lot of fun looking for the clothes.

As I have told you many times @lucianav, we can't go out without eating something, this time we decided for a simple pizza, then we got home and I was very happy for my new stuff, I always love shopping.

Espero que les haya gustado este post. Nos leemos pronto.
I hope you liked this post. See you soon.


The clothes look good on you. Happy shopping. Can I have a bite from the pizza?
