Ladies of Hive Community Contest #124

Las especias y las hierbas se utilizan a menudo con fines medicinales. ¿Cuál es su favorita y para qué la utiliza?

Quien de Uds. queridos lectores no se ha tomado un té de anís estrellado para los gases, o un té de tilo para los nervios o un infaltable te de yerbabuena para el dolor de estómago.?.. muchos de uds verdad , pues en este post daré respuesta a la segunda pregunta que nos trae la comunidad de # ladies of hive en su edición 124

La historia nos ha revelado que las plantas medicinales han acompañado la evolución del hombre, y de la ciencia. La ciencia actual está basada en todos los conocimientos que a lo largo de milenios la humanidad ha ido acumulando y transmitiendo de generación en generación

Un gran porcentaje de venezolanos ha optado alguna vez en su vida por el uso de plantas medicinales para prevenir enfermedades, aliviar síntomas, bajar de peso o tener un sueño reparador. En los últimos tiempos la medicina natural ha sido la opción más buscada debido a los altos costos de las distintas especialidades médicas
La gama de plantas medicinales que existen en Venezuela y en Latinoamérica, son la base para la elaboración de medicamentos en la industria farmacéutica. Es necesario hacer hincapié en que las plantas medicinales no tienen un alcance en relación a erradicar una enfermedad, ni tampoco sustituye un chequeo médico.
También es importante saber que el término natural, no siempre significa seguro, ya que no todas las plantas medicinales tienen un efecto positivo en quien la consume.
Tengo en mi jardín sembrado algunas plantas medicinales como sábila, orégano, yerbabuena, malojillo, y poleo. Las uso para distintas afecciones, pero la planta que más uso es la yerbabuena, porque alivia mis problemas estomacales, ya que estoy atravesando una condición de colon irritable, por lo general me tomo una taza de té de yerbabuena después de cada comida o mastico sus hojas.
En casa tengo aceite de yerbabuena que elabore con las hojas frescas, por lo general las corto preferiblemente en las primeras horas de la mañana ya que a esa hora se elevan más sus poderes terapéuticos , esas hojas las coloco en un tarro de vidrio con aceite de oliva y antes de colocar las hojas las introduzco en un mortero y las machaco hasta extraer sus aceites esenciales ,lo guardo en un lugar cerrado durante un día ,, y lo uso generalmente para el dolor de cabeza .
Para mi esta planta es una bendición puesto que posee muchos beneficios, para mi es la mejor aliada para mi salud tanto física como mental

Spices and herbs are often used for medicinal purposes.What is your favorite and what do you use it for?

Who among you, dear readers, has not had a star anise tea for gas, or a linden tea for nerves or a mint tea for stomach ache?... many of you have, right, because in this post I will answer the second question that brings us the # ladies of hive community in its 124th edition.

History has revealed that medicinal plants have accompanied the evolution of man and science. Current science is based on all the knowledge that humanity has been accumulating and transmitting from generation to generation for millennia.

A large percentage of Venezuelans have opted at some time in their lives for the use of medicinal plants to prevent diseases, alleviate symptoms, lose weight or have a good night's sleep. In recent times, natural medicine has been the most sought after option due to the high costs of the different medical specialties.
The range of medicinal plants that exist in Venezuela and Latin America are the basis for the elaboration of medicines in the pharmaceutical industry. It is necessary to emphasize that medicinal plants do not have a scope in relation to eradicate a disease, nor does it substitute a medical check-up.
It is also important to know that the term natural does not always mean safe, since not all medicinal plants have a positive effect on those who consume them.
I have planted some medicinal plants in my garden such as aloe vera, oregano, mint, malojillo, and pennyroyal. I use them for different conditions, but the plant I use the most is peppermint, because it relieves my stomach problems, since I am going through an irritable colon condition, I usually drink a cup of peppermint tea after every meal or chew its leaves.
At home I have peppermint oil that I make with fresh leaves, I usually cut them preferably in the early hours of the morning because at that time their therapeutic powers are more elevated, these leaves I place them in a glass jar with olive oil and before placing the leaves I introduce them in a mortar and crush them to extract their essential oils, I keep it in a closed place for a day, and I usually use it for headaches.
For me this plant is a blessing because it has many benefits, for me it is the best ally for my physical and mental health.


Sounds lovely and refreshing. I have heard of peppermint used for the ailments that you list. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!🤗💜 !LADY


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Aloe and mint grow easily and nicely but I am not aware of the other herbs you mentioned. It is always good to stick with herbal remedies, I believe that they are much better in curing our ailments and have no side effects.


Hello, indeed medicinal plants are a blessing, if you don't know the plants I made reference to, I will send you an image, maybe you know them by another name .thank you for reading my pots , Blessings to you.


At home I have peppermint oil that I make with fresh leaves, I usually cut them preferably in the early hours of the morning because at that time their therapeutic powers are more elevated, these leaves I place them in a glass jar with olive oil and before placing the leaves I introduce them in a mortar and crush them to extract their essential oils, I keep it in a closed place for a day, and I usually use it for headaches.

This was really enlightening, i never knew peppermints have such abilities, the closest that i have been to peppermints would be in my ice-cream and candy😇


Well, you already knew other uses, I hope you can corroborate the wonders of this herb, Blessings to you.


You're right, not every plant is good for you. You need to consider your health status and see if it 's good for you or you're making your situation worse, but still, I believe using natural remedies is the best.


Of course, it is the most economical option and if taken in the recommended doses, it will alleviate the symptoms that afflict us.


Así es, son tantas las que usamos que a veces es complicado decir cuáles son las favoritas.

