Business Values in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Values are a precious entity that can help us to expand a business culture, the question is to develop and expand clearly certain values in today's society, but for this it is important to identify and adapt them appropriately.

Artificial intelligence can become a very useful tool to facilitate the understanding of these values, if we take into account that there are processes that are executed continuously to improve the business experience then the most appropriate is to identify some patterns where business ethics predominate, always seeking to improve our company without losing the originality of our starting patterns.

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An early implementation of artificial intelligence has always meant a great challenge in any field interested in the application of AI, however it is important that stakeholders compete for who will be the pioneers in the applications of many cases in which it is necessary to redefine the concept in which artificial intelligence technologies have been working.

Many in today's society have opened their arms to the innovation of artificial intelligence, in this order of ideas I can argue that innovation and creativity can serve us to be able to generate new paradigms based on their own concepts related to the application that has artificial intelligence with the economic process involving products and services.

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We cannot deny the fact that artificial intelligence has existed for some years, however it is not until today where we can see the significance that artificial intelligence has in development and progress especially in the business sector, all due to the fact that nowadays it has a greater computing power, thus generating applications in the field of information technology that are very visible and of great significance in the present time.

There is a very important dupla in this digital era that are:

  • Values.

  • Companies.

Companies have had to generate new values to adapt sustainably to this digital era based on artificial intelligence, let's hope that business values continue to transform to improve processes and to sustainably apply the applications of artificial intelligence for the welfare of all.
