Psychological capacity to face an economic crisis


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The problem of having to face an economic crisis is that if this becomes long logically will have a psychological impact on us, so I consider it advisable that we prepare ourselves psychologically to face this economic crisis that could extend for several years, the other important thing to consider is that what worked for us in previous times may no longer work while we live the economic crisis, adaptation to new changes resulting from the crisis is what deserves a psychological preparation that will help us to a correct adaptation.

Logically an economic crisis involves changes that need mathematical knowledge that involves graphs and analysis that may stress more than one person, however the concerns are reflected far beyond graphs and any mathematical involvement, since a complex process where there is a crisis scenario must be expanded to a preparation where you must adopt new patterns of behavior that are attached to the new reality, we must also achieve a pace that is up to the new forms of interaction where a control of our emotions end up being key to success in dealing with the economic crisis.

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Preparing our mind for an announced economic crisis means that we can even follow some advice that although it is true may not be relevant, perhaps finding a correct adaptation we can apply it to each particular case of the impact of the crisis for our daily life, especially if we take into account that in any crisis we must overcome the barriers of uncertainty and instability that are very characteristic of economic crises.
