A sad story of my kittens [ESP/ENG]


Hola saludos, a esta hermosa comunidad y a todos los amantes de los animales. En el día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una triste historia de mis pequeños felinos.

Como algunos saben mi gata Bengi parió cuatro lindos cachorros, que por cierto casi todos eran iguales a ella.

Estos cachorritos nacieron sanos y fuertes, tanto que a la hora de comer se peleaban entre ellos hasta cierto punto que su madre se levantaba y los dejaba allí solos. Un día nos dimos cuenta que los gatitos no paraban de llorar tenían hambre porque Bengi ese día no les había dado de comer a sus hijitos. Mi esposo y yo no sabíamos la razón del porqué ya no quería amantar a sus cachorros a veces pasaba hasta un día sin darles de comer, así que buscamos la manera para que ellos se alimentaran aunque era difícil, porque no sabían comer.

Una tarde la escuchamos maullar desesperadamente sin cesar, para nuestra sorpresa y alegría notamos como los llamaba para alimentarlos, mientras lo hacia escuchamos que Bengi empezó a quejarse como si tuviera un dolor, aún con todo eso ella seguía acostada.

Hello greetings, to this beautiful community and to all animal lovers. Today I want to share with you a sad story of my little felines.

As some of you know my cat Bengi gave birth to four cute kittens, which by the way almost all of them were just like her.

These kittens were born healthy and strong, so much so that at feeding time they would fight each other to a certain extent that their mother would get up and leave them there alone. One day we noticed that the kittens kept crying and were hungry because Bengi had not fed her kittens that day. My husband and I didn't know why she didn't want to nurse her kittens anymore, sometimes she would go up to a day without feeding them, so we tried to find a way to feed them, although it was difficult, because they didn't know how to eat.

One afternoon we heard her meowing desperately without ceasing, to our surprise and joy we noticed how she was calling them to feed them, while she was doing it we heard Bengi started to complain as if he was in pain, even with all that she was still lying down.

Fueron pasando los días y Bengi insistía en no darles de comer a los gatitos, así que nos tocó enseñarlos a comer, y empezamos a alimentarlos con comida liviana para que no les hiciera daño, estábamos consientes que estaban muy pequeños aún para darle comida pesada.

Hasta que poco a poco lo fuimos enseñando y aprendieron, sin embargo teníamos mucho cuidado de ellos para que no enfermaran. Lo bueno que su madre una que otra vez los alimentaba, pero habían días que no quería estar cerca de ellos y los rechazaba.

Yo sentía tristeza al verlos allí tan indefensos, llamando a su madre pero ella nada que los buscaba. A pesar que ya habían aprendido a comer les hacía falta su madre, e incluso habían noches que dormían solos en su cama.

days went by and Bengi insisted on not feeding the kittens, so we had to teach them to eat, and we started to feed them with light food so that it would not hurt them, we were aware that they were still too small to give them heavy food.

Until little by little we taught them and they learned, however we were very careful with them so they wouldn't get sick. The good thing was that their mother fed them from time to time, but there were days when she didn't want to be near them and rejected them.

I felt sad to see them there so helpless, calling for their mother but she did not look for them. Even though they had already learned to eat, they were missing their mother, and there were even nights when they slept alone in their bed.

Un día los cuatro gatitos acostados en su cama, pasaron todo el día y la tarde callados, pensamos que era normal por lo que no nos preocupamos a eso como de la siete de la noche seguían callados nos pareció raro y extraño a la vez porque casi siempre estaban maullando, así que los revisamos y los sacamos de la cesta donde dormían para ver qué pasaba.

Cuando los miramos, tres de ellos no podían caminar, estaban sin fuerzas, yo en ese momento me sentí triste y angustiada porque no sabia qué hacer y también porque ellos estaban bien y de la noche a la mañana se pusieron muy mal, mi esposo y yo no entendíamos qué estaba pasando con los gatos ¿Por qué? ¿Qué paso? Eran las preguntas que nos hacíamos en ese momento.

Fue horrible verlos allí tirados sin ánimos de nada yo los tomé en mis manos les hablaba, los llamaba pero no respondían. Les dimos agua y algo de caldo con una inyectadora. Bengi se acostó y logramos que amamantara a uno de ellos. Yo tenía la esperanza que al amanecer estarían bien y que todo había sido un sueño y que al amanecer los escucharía maullar y paseándose por la cocina como todos los días.

Esa noche nos acostamos tarde pendiente de ellos a medida que pasaban las horas se debilitaban mucho más, y a eso de la madrugada murieron los tres y quedó solo uno.

One day the four kittens were lying in their bed, they were quiet all day and in the afternoon, we thought it was normal so we didn't worry about it, at about seven o'clock at night they were still quiet, it seemed strange and strange at the same time because they were almost always meowing, so we checked them and took them out of the basket where they were sleeping to see what was going on.

When we looked at them, three of them could not walk, they were without strength, at that moment I felt sad and anguished because I did not know what to do and also because they were fine and overnight they became very bad, my husband and I did not understand what was happening with the cats, why, what happened, what happened? Those were the questions we were asking ourselves at the time.

It was horrible to see them lying there with nothing to do, I took them in my hands, I talked to them, I called them but they did not respond. We gave them water and some broth with an injector. Bengi lay down and we managed to get him to nurse one of them. I had hoped that at dawn they would be fine and that it had all been a dream and that at dawn I would hear them meowing and pacing around the kitchen like every day.

That night we went to bed late and as the hours went by they got weaker and weaker, and around dawn all three died and only one was left.

Nos preguntábamos, y aún lo hacemos, qué había pasado para que murieran, lo que nos pareció más extraño, fue que mientras los tres cachorros estaban muy mal, el otro estaba perfecto, caminando como si nada hubiese pasado.

We wondered, and still do, what had happened for them to die. What seemed strangest to us was that while the three puppies were very bad, the other one was perfect, walking as if nothing had happened.

La muerte de los tres cachorros nos afectó a todos, los niños se habían encariñado con ellos y les hacen falta, ya que siempre estaban pendiente de cuidarlos y darles cariño. Se fueron y nos dejaron un enorme vacío, pero lo mas triste es que su madre, esa mañana, los estaba buscando desesperadamente para darles de comer y estar con ellos pero ya era demasiado tarde, ya se habían ido.

Lo bueno y triste a la vez, es que nos quedó una cachorrita, que también sabemos que le hacen falta sus hermanos para jugar y pelearse entre ellos.

The death of the three puppies affected all of us, the children had grown fond of them and they are missing them, as they were always looking after them and giving them love. They were gone and left us a huge void, but the saddest thing is that their mother, that morning, was desperately looking for them to feed them and be with them but it was too late, they were already gone.

The good and sad thing at the same time, is that we have a puppy left, that we also know that she needs her siblings to play and fight with each other.

"Se han ido y me he quedado sola, como los extraños para jugar, no se imaginan el vacío que me han dejado, ahora me toca seguir luchando para crecer sana y fuerte".

"They are gone and I have been left alone, like strangers to play, you can't imagine the emptiness they have left me, now it's up to me to keep fighting to grow healthy and strong".

Está es la triste y vacía historia de los cuatro gatitos, tres de ellos ya no están, solo nos quedo una pequeña cachorra que nos llena de alegría día a día, deseando que crezca sana y fuerte para enfrentarse al mundo.

Esto mis queridos amigos ha sido todo. Saludos y un abrazo.

This is the sad and empty story of the four kittens, three of them are no more, we only have a little puppy that fills us with joy day by day, wishing her to grow up healthy and strong to face the world.

This my dear friends has been all. Greetings and a hug.
