The story of the cat my son found [Esp/Eng]


Hello, greetings to my Hive people. Today I want to introduce you to my other feline. At home we call her "Catire", because of her yellow coat color and I want to tell you a little bit about how she came home.

One day this cute kitten was walking in the street near where we live and one of my children took him in his hands and took him to the house and hid him in a corner. While I was in the kitchen, he called me very happy and said: "Mom, come and see this"; and I approached him to see what he wanted to show me. When I saw it, it was the cat. I quickly asked him whose cat it was, to which he replied: "I got it in the street and it's hungry".

Hola que tal, un saludo a mi gente de Hive. En el dia de hoy les quiero presentar a mi otro felino. En casa la llamamos "Catire", por su color de pelaje amarillo y les quiero hablar un poco acerca de cómo llegó a casa.

Un dia este lindo gatito, andaba por la calle cerca de donde vivimos y uno de mis hijos, lo tomó en sus manos y lo llevó a la casa y lo escondió en una esquina. Estando yo en la cocina, me llama muy contento y me dice: "mamá, ven a ver esto"; y yo me acerco para ver que era lo qe me quería enseñar. Cuando veo, era el gato. Rápidamente le pregunto de quién es el gato, a lo que él me responde: "Lo conseguí en la calle y tiene hambre".

We gave him some food and let him out to go home; a few minutes later the cat was at the door meowing. I thought it was strange because my son had taken him to the place where he found him, which was almost 100 meters from the house. To our surprise, the cat came back and my son took him several times to the place where he had found him; but it was useless, because the furry one came back. Once again he took him and this time he never came back. We never heard anything more about the cat.

The next day in the morning, I visit the neighbor and she tells me that a cat had gotten into her house and had slept there. When I saw the cat, it turned out to be the same one my son had gotten. The neighbor tells me in a nice way that the cat is hers because she gave it food. I felt so sorry for the cat that I took it and brought it home. But we were afraid that Bengi, our cat, would get jealous and leave.

At the beginning they didn't get along well, they couldn't even see each other. They spent the whole time fighting. But little by little they have been understanding each other; there they go more or less, from time to time they fight but not as much as at the beginning. They have been able to handle the situation like two mature and intelligent cats. 😁

He is very playful and from time to time he goes around forming camorra (fight), biting everyone who comes near him. However I like to see him when he plays, he is very funny. A few days ago when I was in the backyard, I saw him running like crazy from one side to another when suddenly he climbs a tree and climbs to the top and looks sideways as if he was looking for something.

Le dimos un poco de comida y lo soltamos para que se fuera a su casa; a los pocos minutos el gato estaba en la puerta maullando. Me pareció raro porque mi hijo lo había llevado al lugar donde lo encontró, que era a casi 100 metros de la casa. Para nuestra sorpresa, el gato volvió y mi hijo lo llevó varias veces al lugar donde lo había encontrado; pero era inútil, porque el peludo se regresaba. Una vez más lo lleva y esta vez no regresó más. No supimos más nada de el gato.

Al día siguiente en la mañana, visito a la vecina y me cuenta que un gato se había metido en su casa y había dormido allí. Al ver al felino, resulta que era el mismo que mi hijo había conseguido. La vecina me dice de buena manera entonces el gato es suyo por haberle dado comida. Me dio tanta lástima con el gato, que lo tomé y me lo traje a casa. Pero teníamos miedo que Bengi, nuestra gata, se sintiera celosa y se fuera.

principio no se la llevaban bien, no se podían ver ni en pintura. Se la pasaban peleando. Pero poco a poco se han ido entendiendo; allí van mas o menos, de vez en cuando pelean pero no tanto como al principio. Han sabido manejar la situación como dos gatos maduros e inteligentes. 😁

El es muy juguetón y de vez en cuando anda formando camorra (pelea), mordiendo a todo el que se le acerca. Sin embargo me agrada verlo cuando juega, es muy divertido. Hace pocos días estando en yo en el patio de la casa, lo veo corriendo como loco de un lado a otro cuando de pronto se monta en un árbol y sube a lo mas alto y observa hacia los lados como si buscara algo.

He stayed there for a few minutes. Then when it was time to get off, things got a little complicated. She was asking for help, she was afraid to get off or she didn't know. The truth is that she started to meow and kept looking at me. As best she could, she got off, scared but she made it.

Allí estuvo unos minutos. Luego al momento de bajarse, la cosa se le había complicado un poco. Estaba pidiendo auxilio, tenía miedo de bajarse o no sabía. Lo cierto es que empezó a maullar y se me quedaba mirando. Como pudo se bajó, con miedo pero lo logró.

My family is happy for the cats and me, no way! It's incredible how one can become attached to cats, I was anti-cat, I didn't like them and they didn't call my attention, now I have two at home and how I love them, those little furry ones! From time to time they bother me, but then I get over it.

That's all my friends, thanks for visiting my blog.

Greetings .

Mi familia se siente feliz por los gatos y yo, ¡ni se diga! Es increible como uno puede llegar a encariñarse con los gatos, yo que era anti gatos, no me gustaban ni me llamaban la atención, ahora tengo dos en casa y ¡como los quiero, a esos peluditos! De vez en cuando me hacen molestar, pero luego se me pasa.

Esto ha sido todo mis amigos, gracias por visitar mi blog.

Saludos .
