A story behind every picture and funny names |Una historia detrás de cada foto y nombres divertidos LOH #183


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In English

Greetings dear Ladies, with the edition you bring us this week, where we are invited to reflect with the questions of our dear @saffisara, here is my participation:

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In our minds there will always be memories, because that is what life is full of, yesterday is a memory, whether it was good or not, will be the way or meaning in which it stays with us as people.

What better than photographs to take those moments and treasure those beautiful memories, where in each one there is a story, a tale, a story where we can allude to them and when we see them they refresh our memory.

The last photo taken by my daughter was on Sunday 28th April, 4 days ago today, when we went shopping together near where we live and my daughter already has a car and that day we took advantage of her first practice to drive it.

I have always driven a synchronic car, in fact I was used to it, but my daughter's car is automatic and it is much easier to drive. We drove along a nearby street where there is not a lot of traffic and because of the time of day there were no people, we drove for about 30 minutes.

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I feel very happy and proud of her, to see her enthusiasm in driving her own car for the first time and to be with her made me feel that joy. These are blessings from God that we should always receive with gratitude for every experience that life offers us, learning and always moving forward.

With the beginning of this new month of May, where optimism is the key to open the doors of wellbeing, I wish that it may blossom opening our hearts, filling each day with peace, love and colour.

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The funniest name I have heard is that of a couple who were neighbours of my parents' house many years ago, the lady's name was Balbina and her husband was Mr. Balbino, I remember as a child when I heard both names for the first time it was very funny to me and my family, we could not believe that they both had that name, but I think it is important not to laugh in front of them, as their names were chosen by family tradition.

Although we are used to hearing the names of our dear neighbours, there are other names and surnames that are often very curious, also because of the culture of each person.
Thank you for reading.

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The designs in Canva
Diseño de banner al final cortesía de mi amigo @germanandradeg, editado en Canva.
The pictures in my gallery taken from my Redmi 9 phone and edited in canva
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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En Español

Saludos estimadas Damas, con la edición que nos traen ésta semana, dónde nos invitan a reflexionar con las preguntas de nuestra estimada @saffisara, a continuación les presento mi participación:

Pregunta 1 spanish.jpg

En nuestra mente siempre habrá recuerdos, porque de eso es que está llena la vida, el ayer es un recuerdo, si fue bueno o no, será la manera o significado en la que se mantenga en nosotras como personas.

Que mejor que las fotografías para tomar esos momentos y atesorar esos bonitos recuerdos, dónde en cada una hay una historia, un relato, un cuento donde podemos hacer alusión a ellas y que al verlas nos refresquen la memoria.

La última foto tomada por mi hija fue el día domingo 28 de abril, ya hoy hace 4 días, cuando fuimos juntas hacer unas compras cerca del lugar donde vivimos y pues ya mi hija tiene auto y ese día aprovechamos de que tomara sus primeras prácticas para manejarlo.

Yo siempre he conducido auto sincrónico, de hecho estaba acostumbrada a ello pero éste vehículo de mi hija es automático y es mucho más fácil de manejar. Hicimos el recorrido por una calle cerca donde no hay gran afluencia vehicular y por la hora no había gente, allí estuvimos paseando durante aproximadamente 30 minutos.

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Me siento muy contenta y orgullosa de ella, de ver su entusiasmo en conducir por primera vez su propio auto y estar acompañándola me hizo contagiar esa alegría. Son Bendiciones de Dios que debemos recibir siempre con gratitud por cada experiencia que la vida nos ofrezca, aprendiendo y avanzando siempre hacia adelante.

Con el comienzo de este nuevo mes de Mayo, donde el optimismo sea clave para abrirnos las puertas de bienestar, les deseo que pueda florecer abriendo nuestros corazones, llenando cada día de paz, amor y color.

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El nombre más gracioso que he escuchado es de una pareja vecinos de hacen muchos años de la casa de mis padres, la señora llamada Balbina y su esposo el Señor Balbino, recuerdo de niña cuando escuché por primera vez ambos nombres me causó mucha gracia, al igual que a mi familia, no podíamos creerlo que ambos tenían ese nombre, pero creo que es importante no reírse delante de ellos, ya que sus nombres fueron escogidos por tradición familiar.

Aunque ya estamos acostumbrados a escuchar los nombres de nuestros queridos vecinos, hay otros nombres y apellidos que suelen ser muy curiosos, también por la cultura de cada persona.
Gracias por leerme.

cautiva 30 separador.jpg

Los diseños en Canva
Diseño banner al final cortesía de mi amigo @germanandradeg, editado en Canva
Las fotografías en mi galería tomadas de mi teléfono Redmi 9 y editadas en canva
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)



A memorable day for sure with your daughter.

Interesting names! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!🤗💜


I am very happy with the story about the new car and your daughter's debut as a driver. Your story reminded me of Dad when he taught me to drive and his first words were: "the car is a lethal weapon, so you have to use it responsibly". At first I didn't stop him, but he made sure I paid attention. He didn't let me start the car until I really understood the seriousness of his words. They included not driving while tired, under the influence of medication, alcohol or other drugs that would affect the senses and to always, always respect the traffic laws. How wonderful that was. In my entire life I have never had an accident, no tickets and that advice was passed on to my children.
Please congratulate your daughter for me and say hello to the Balbinos. I had an Italian neighbor named Balbina.
Sympathetic your content I read it with a big smile.
Love my dear @cautiva-30.


Thank you very much @germanandradeg for your nice and thoughtful comment, yes, caution and respect for traffic laws are important. That's right, they are names of family traditions, likewise have a nice day my dear friend.


That’s so nice
Seeing your daughter drive for the first time
I manifest this and I know very soon I will also drive my mom even though I’ve been lagging with my driving lessons and be feeling scared

Ahh for those couple I’m beginning to think they gave those names to themselves 😂but once again we are from different culture


Thank you @abenad for reading me and for your nice comment, I hope you are encouraged with the lessons, because the names of them as they are countrymen are of familiar culture.


You’re welcome

Yeah I’m going back


Una hermosa fotografía y un momento compartido muy lindo. Son esos recuerdos que nos quedan. No había escuchado estos nombres, muy interesantes. Un abrazo.



Thank you very much my dear @sacra97 for your touching comment, yes, those names are kind of funny.


That is a really good moment to capture, Lovely photo of you and your daughter in the car 💕
I bet she loves spending time with you and seems like you had a Great time. And her first time driving sure is a milestone worth capturing.

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🌺


Thank you very much dear @saffisara for your touching words, yes we were both very excited and a bit nervous, but we certainly enjoyed it, happy weekend to you too!
