Thoughts that don't allow you to grow/ Pensamientos que no te permiten crecer


Thoughts are fundamental parts of our life, since it depends on the way we think we can observe life in a positive or negative way, 95% of our thoughts are automatically, 80% of these thoughts are negative, producing emotions of sad, anguish, anger, making us feel powerless that we cannot achieve our goals and objectives.

Los pensamientos son partes fundamentales de nuestra vida, ya que depende la forma que pensemos podemos observar la vida de forma postiva o negativa, el 95% de nuestro pensamientos son de forma automatica, siendo el 80% de estos pensamientos son negativos, produciendo emociones de tristesa, angustia, rabia, haciendonos sentir impotentes a que no podemos alcanzar nuestras metas y objetivos.


The vast majority of the people that I cannot succeed are those who think negatively, sometimes they are capable of not assimilating that due to negative thoughts they are stagnant in life. If you have a negative thought in a project, your brain will not look for a way to get ahead since it is limiting you to start a project. This time I will be telling you negative thoughts that some will be able to identify you.

La gran mayoria de las prsonas que noi consigue hacer existoso son aquellas que piensas de forma negativa, a veces son capaces de no asimilar que por pensamientos negativos son que estancas en la vida. Si tienes un oensamiento negativo en un proyecto tu cerebro no buscara la forma de salir adelante ya que te esta limitando a iniciar algun proyecto. En esta oportunidad te estare diciendo pensamientos negativos que agunos te podra identificar.

If we are born poor we will die poor / Si nacemos pobres moriremos pobres

This is one of the great thoughts that I have seen in people who do not succeed, blame their origin or parents who were poor, making believe that they will follow the same path as their parents, but this is not like you You can change the way you live, you can be born poor, but if you set goals and persevere in your goals, you can change your life and be a great emotional rider. So this thought may be rolling in your head, believing because you have had a generation of people who have failed your life will also end the same, but this is not the case, it is we ourselves who have the power to change our life from one life to another. a successful person, but no one is in control only you ... These thoughts of this type are mostly excuses to feel good about oneself can cover the need and anxiety that because of my parents I am still poor.

Este es es unos de los grandes pensamientos que he vistos en personas que no obtiene el exito, le hechan la culpa a su origen o padres que eran pobres, haciendo creer que ellos seguiran el mismo camino de sus padres, pero esto no es asi tu puedes cambiar la forma de vivir, puedes nacer siendo pobres, pero si te colocas objetivos y perseveras en tu metas puede cambiar tu vida y ser un gran emoresario. Entonces este pensamiento puede estar rodando en tu cabeza, creer porque has tenido una generacion de persona que han fracasado tu vida tambien terminara igual, pero esto no es asi, somos nostros mismo quien tenemos el poder de cambiar nuestra vida de una ala vida a ser una persona exitosa, mas nadie tiene el control solamente tu... Estos pensamientos de este tipo son mayirmente excusas para sentirse bien con uno mismo pueda cubrir la necesidad y ansiedad que po culpa de mis padres sigo siendo pobre.

Being born poor is not your fault, but dying poor is ... Bill Gates

Nacer pobre no es tu culpa, pero morir pobre si lo es... Bill Gates

I can't do it, I don't have the knowledge ... / No puedo hacerlo, no poseo el conocimiento...

This is another very common one in which we can find in many people, one day a friend was writing to her so that she would be encouraged to write in Hive, I informed her that I won the day with my post she was very excited, of all things I was telling her, but when it was time to start her, what she told me was I can't do it, I asked her why? What happened did he tell me I do not have the knowledge to write on this platform, although I explained to him in different ways, about what topics he could write his wandering thoughts were those "I can't do them" as I have that bad thought that I can't do it, I'm limiting myself to learn something Again, to investigate, to find a way to achieve it ... If this is one of your thoughts that is running through your head, eliminate it immediately because you are losing many things simply by thinking about it and saying it ... When you say it, you are damned your life ...

Este es otro muy comun en el cual podemos encontrar en muchas personas, un dia le estaba escribiendo una amiga para que se animara escribir en Hive, le informe de o que gano dia a ia con mis post ella estaba muy animada, de todas las cosas que yo le decia, pero cuando llego el momento de inciiar ella, lo que me dijo fue no puedo hacerlo, yo le pregunte porque? que paso me dijo no tengo el conocimiento para escribir en esta plataforma, aunque le explique de diferentes formas, de que temas podria escribir sus pensamientos errantes fueron esos "no puedo hacerlos" al yo tener ese mal pensamiento que no puedo hacerlo estoy limitandome aprender algio nuevo, a investigar, a buscar la forma de como conseguirlo... Si este es unos de tus pensamientos que ronda por tu cabeza eliminalo de inmediato porque estas perdiendo de muchas cosas por el simple hecho de pensarlo y decirlo... Al decirlo estas condenado tu vida...

I have no time... / No tengo tiempo...

When this little thought is in our mind, it is already justifying any things that we cannot do, since the first thing it will do is do nothing if it does not have time ... So if you want to start a business, the first thing you are putting in your mind is You don't have time, my friend you are closing your door, by saying I don't have time, you are blocking every opportunity ...

Cuando este pensamitno esta en nuestra mente ya esta justificando cualquier cosas que no podamos hacer, ya que lo primero que hara es no hacer nada de no tener tiempo... Entonces si quieres iniciar un negocio, lo primero quye estas colocando en tu mente es que no tienes tiempo, mi amigo estas cerrado tu puerta, al decir no tengo tiempo estas bloqueado toda oportunidad...

I'm too old to start/ Estoy viejo para iniciar

There is no age to start any project, most of the people always make excuses for age not to start a project, business or even to study, the first thing they say I'm ready to do the homework, or study, that's a lie at age It is only a factor, but not a determining factor of your life to not fulfill your projects ...

No hay edad para iniciar cualquier proyecto, la mayoria de las prsonas siempre colocas la excusas la edad para no inicar un proyecto, negocio o hasta para estudiar, lo primero que dicen ya estoy para realizar la tarea, o estudiar, eso es mentira l edad es solo un factor, pero no un determinante de tu vida para no cumplir tus proyecctos...

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Nice write up.

We are the only one who can control how our mind works and what we feed it is very crucial to how it will react to new information.

Just going for it and saying it , gives you a jump start to achieve that goal you have on your mind.

I have tried multiple time to get people on here and this got me to a level of emotional breakdown because with all my efforts people just see writing as a complicated work that they can never be able to do or maybe an exam they won't be able to pass.

I later saw the bigger picture that they just don't want to change and do that thing their mind see as impossible. I like to do the impossible even if i fail at it I can always keep trying. Rome wasn't built in a day, reason why I believe anyone can be anything as long as you take charge of your mind and go for it with a positive attitude.

Thanks for sharing this. Have a great day ahead. Love from Nigeria😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Most times, the first thought is always a factor.

A person born rich has greater advantage and opportunities to get richer than someone born poor.

So most times, it's not just about the thought


You are right in that it has more advantages ... But sometimes we remain poor because of our thoughts, that we stagnate ...


Saludos Daniela Muy bueno tu post, da en el blanco en muchas cosas. Un abrazo virtual. ¿Tienes facebook?


Hola.. Gracias si tengo face


Hola.. Gracias si tengo face
