Amazing Nature The Snail

Greetings, friends of Hive, nature lovers, as the rains have already started as it is a meteorological phenomenon that is causing this, there are days that begin with rain and others with a lot of sun, due to this some species are appearing in my garden due to the humidity that is presented on earth.


This species that I could observe is the so-called snail, it is a quite shy animal, I was able to take some shots coming out of its shell, it is impressive how it moves from one place to another quickly, it seems that it is a slow animal, however it moves quickly , when it is in danger and hides in its shell.


A few years ago we got a little scared in our home, because in the school that is a few blocks away, there was an appearance of the African Snails that were quite poisonous, these species were eliminated due to the danger that they could cause to the entire school community. Luckily we were able to observe that the snails that we have in the garden are not African ones, that is to say that they were not poisonous, so they can be calm in the garden.


The term snail or also known as "corocol", is the common name of gastropod mollusks with a spiral shell. There are marine corocoles (sometimes called corocola), freshwater and terrestrial. Snails move through a series of undulating muscle contractions that run along the underside of the foot. They have a structure called radula in their mouths, with thousands of denticles that serve to scrape mold off the rocks.


Investigating a little on the web regarding the snail, some studies say that the snail can live between five and seven years, this will depend on whether the species is not consumed by a predator, otherwise they can last this time. Also in the winter periods they hide in their shell to be able to hibernate.



In Europe these species of snails are consumed by man, where he makes exquisite dishes, I don't know how they prepare it because, according to they have parasites that affect other animals and man. It is incredible that despite this the snail is consumed.

Snails are also consumed in Portugal, where they are called caracóis, and are served in bars and taverns, usually boiled with garlic. Traditional Spanish cuisine is also very fond of snails5 or eating various species such as Helix aspersa, Helix punctata, Helix pisana or Iberus gualtieranus alonensis, among others. and rabbit which is very popular in the inland regions of southeastern Spain).


In Venezuela, thank God, the snail is not consumed, because they consider it not a species for human consumption. Some people have commented that this type of snail is medicinal, especially women who use it to remove stretch marks, due to pregnancy.

Phone: Redmi Go
Country: Venezuela

Source consulted source

I hope you liked my post, see you in the next one.



We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated by zoology team (oscurity,nelinoeva) on behalf of Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

interesting information about the species, I also like that you put the source from where you got the information! Thank you for sharing, we hope to see you again!


Greetings friends, thank you very much for evaluating my publication. At the bottom of the post is the source where I got the information.


Hello @cetb2008!

nice information about the corocol!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

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Greetings friends, thank you very much for evaluating my publication.
