What I would study and why - Week 154

Greetings friends of Hive and the @WEEKEND-EXPERIENCES community, this time I will participate in the initiative promoted by @galenkp, where he presents several topics and we choose the one that most catches our attention, in this case select the one that refers to study only one thing.


Since I was in my last year of high school, I did not know what career to study, because I felt that I lacked a little guidance from teachers to guide me in which career to study, I remember that I had good grades in numerical subjects, taking into account these qualifications I thought I could choose a career in engineering, or that has to do with mathematical calculations.

It should be noted that I chose the career of agricultural engineering, but then I did not study it because at that time the engineers in the country, was unemployed, and I decided to work in a private company, after three years I studied Computer Science and finally I graduated as a Professor in Commercial Education. Then I got a job in a public administration agency and I am currently working but due to the situation of the country, the salaries are quite low.


Now, I consider that to study today, I would choose the career of Graphic Design, because nowadays there are many job opportunities on the Internet and in different design and marketing companies. On the other hand, this type of professional can work on his own making drawings, brochures, banners, any type of advertising required by the client who seeks the services of this type of professional in design.

Likewise a professional in graphic design has a lot of field, you can make your designs and sell on different pages called marketplace, everything is in what you want to do to earn income, also in the Hive blockchain, we can offer the designs on the page nftshowroom, and there we have the possibilities to publish our art.


Due to the great technological advances graphic design professionals are in high demand in different companies worldwide, because in this area offers a lot of field at the professional level, where they can work for example in a media to a marketing company to promote through design their products.

These are the reasons why I would study Graphic Design, I hope you liked it, I invite @lisbethseijas and @irvinc to participate in the initiative

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone

colmena (3).gif
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich



@cetb2008 Hi friend!Nice to greet you, I agree with you.

The issue of our country and its policies is so complex. I agree that graphic design is a career that allows for versatility and independence. You have reminded me of a nephew who is looking for options to study. My humble opinion is that even if the career allows them to work on their own and in different areas, the most important thing is that they like it, because if not, sooner or later frustration will appear and they will end up feeling empty. I tell my nephew that if the studies he chooses are in line with his talents and likes, he will be able to take advantage of them.


Yes, I agree with you because otherwise they will fail as a professional, thanks for your comment friend, greetings.


What an experience yours and so much diversity, I find interesting like you the graphic design although it is increasingly at risk with the AI, when I saw this topic I thought about making the post about studying another career but I still think that my career as a mechanic will always be present for more advances that exist so I discarded the idea.


Greetings friend, yes there is artificial intelligence that some could use for design, but this career has a lot of field, thanks for your comment.


Thank you very much for the mention. Sometimes we can't study the career we want. My parents wanted me to study medicine but when I graduated from high school the university was closed and I chose another career. Blessings to the family dear friend @cetb2008 .


Greetings friend, yes everything will depend on the situation, thank you for your comment, amen.
