7 Diamond Rewards Chests


Managed to promote to Diamond III and so now the battles are getting really tough. Level 8s are fairly common and you rarely get anything below a level 4 summoner.

That being said, I am still able to compete decently thanks to legendaries. A level 1 legendary is worth like a level 4 common so those high mana battles are good. If it were low mana battles, I'm usually toast.

Rewards today are good although I think the DEC rewards ought to go down given the price of DEC and trying to maintain the peg. Maybe this is the effect of reducing the rewards in the lower leagues. No good solutions in a crypto bear market like we are in these days.

Personally, I think the FUD over the interest rates is misdirection by bankers and politicians. The real concern should be on the terrible supply chains and why they aren't being fixed and strengthened.
