When everyday life becomes funny/Cuando la cotidianidad se vuelve graciosa //ENG-ESP


These were times of ATMs, the ticket still existed and we Venezuelans queued to get our money from these devices. It was tempting fate: that he still had money when our turn came, that he didn't put himself out of order, that he actually dispensed what we asked for, and that he didn't "eat" our card.

The cautious Venezuelan, once his turn came, hunched over the screen as much as he could, to take space from the inopportune person who was following him in the queue, who, with the desire to help or to find out what the process was like, tried to put He shook his head and once his curiosity was satisfied, he turned to inform the rest of the queue: "yes, it's happening."

It must be recognized that this information satisfied those of us who were behind, so we could wait confidently. Because of how diverse the Venezuelan way of being is, each one has their own way of confronting the broadcasting apparatus.


There were those who, once they received the money, counted it thoroughly before leaving the screen and giving the other a chance, when they nodded satisfied, we all breathed, the matter was going well; others, until they put everything in their respective bags, did not leave the site; Others repeatedly hit the button that said “cancel” with a finger, perhaps thinking that in this way they were closing their coffers well and whoever came after them would not have access to it.

Venezuelan who respects himself, speaks in the queue and recounts his monetary misadventures out loud: that time they changed his card and took all his reais or when it took him a long time to withdraw them and the machine "suck" them again and he was left watching for the sides with no money and no chance of recovering them, because they had already been debited.

A young man I know saw a young woman drop her bills before getting into a taxi, he ran, picked them up and signaled to the taxi before it started, to give the young woman back what was hers, and when he returned to his seat they told him that he had lost his seat, to get in line again; there was no lack of someone who murmured that this was considered stupid, (put the other word).

The anecdote I want to tell is the following: on one occasion I went to get money, there were two queues, because only two lockers were working, (I don't know why I always selected the one that made less progress), in the parallel queue and at the height of where I was, a man put his hands to his mouth like a horn and shouted: "THAT'S FOR INTELLIGENT", all that to annoy the person who was trying to get money and it took too long, the man waited a few moments and came back with the same and with more voice: «ESO ES PARA IN-TE-LI-GEN-TES», emphasizing each syllable.

His column advanced more than mine and very soon he was in front of the cashier, he had to live the same situation as the man he made fun of for a long time, and he couldn't get anything, nobody yelled at him, the screen went black with his message "Out of Service" and all those who were there with him included had to go to the end of the queue of the now only teller.


Yes, I laughed. The universe has its way of making humor because if we look closely at any everyday event it can become funny.

Thanks for your reading

My content is original
Pixabay images
I used google translate


Versión en español


Estos eran tiempos de cajeros automáticos, todavía existía el billete y los venezolanos hacíamos colas para sacar nuestro dinero de estos aparatos. Era tentar a la suerte: de que aún tuviera dinero cuando llegara nuestro turno, de que no se pusiera fuera de servicio, de que realmente nos dispensara lo que le habíamos solicitado y de que no se «comiera» nuestra tarjeta.

El precavido venezolano una vez que llegaba su turno se encorvaba lo más que podía sobre la pantalla, para quitarle espacio al inoportuno que le seguía en la cola, que con el afán de ayudar o de enterarse bien de cómo era el proceso, trataba de meter la cabeza y una vez satisfecha su curiosidad volteaba a informar al resto de la cola: «sí, está dando».

Es de reconocer que esa información satisfacía a quienes íbamos detrás así podíamos esperar confiados. Por lo variopinta que es la manera de ser del venezolano cada uno tiene su forma de enfrentarse al aparato emisor.


Había quien, una vez recibido el dinero, lo contaba minuciosamente antes de retirarse de la pantalla y darle chance al otro, cuando asentía satisfecho todos respirábamos, el asunto iba bien; otros, hasta que no guardaban todo en sus respectivas carteras no se quitaban del sitio; otros, golpeaban con un dedo repetidas veces la tecla que decía «cancelar» pensando quizá que de esa manera estaban cerrando bien sus arcas y el que viniera detrás no iba a tener acceso a la misma.

Venezolano que se respeta, habla en la cola y cuenta sus desventuras monetarias a viva voz: aquella vez que le cambiaron la tarjeta y le sacaron todos sus reales o cuando se tardó mucho en retirarlos y la máquina los «chupó» de nuevo y quedó viendo para los lados sin dinero y sin chance de recuperarlos, porque ya habían sido debitados.

Un muchacho que conozco, vio como una joven se le caían sus billetes antes de subirse a un taxi, él corrió, los recogió e hizo señas al taxi antes de que arrancará, para devolverle a la joven lo suyo, y cuando volvió a su sitio le dijeron que había perdido su puesto, que hiciera la cola de nuevo; no faltó quien murmurara que eso le pasaba por bobo, (ponga usted la otra palabra).

La anécdota que quiero contar es la siguiente: en una oportunidad fui a sacar dinero, había dos colas, porque solo dos taquillas estaban trabajando, (no sé porque siempre seleccionaba la que avanzaba menos), en la cola paralela y a la altura de donde yo estaba, un hombre se ponía las manos en la boca como bocina y gritaba: «ESO ES PARA INTELIGENTES», todo aquello para molestar a la persona que estaba tratando de sacar dinero y se tardaba demasiado, el hombre esperaba unos breves momentos y volvía con lo mismo y con más voz: «ESO ES PARA IN-TE-LI-GEN-TES», enfatizando en cada sílaba,

Su columna avanzó más que la mía y muy pronto estuvo frente al cajero, le tocó vivir la misma situación que al hombre del cual se burló mucho rato, y no pudo sacar nada, nadie le gritó a él, la pantalla se puso en negro con su mensaje «Fuera de Servicio» y todos los que estaban ahí con él incluído les tocó ir al final de la cola del ahora único cajero.


Sí, me reí. El universo tiene su manera de hacer humor porque si nos fijamos bien cualquier evento de la cotidianidad se puede volver gracioso.


Gracias por tu lectura

Mi contenido es original
Imágenes de pixabay



😄😄😄. I really didn't know Venezuelans faced this same issue. It always funny trying to use the ATM here. One time after I had waited so long on the queue, when it got to my turn, the ATM stopped dispensing cash. It was so frustrating. 😄😄.

Thanks for sharing. This was good


That also happens too often, nowadays few banks have ATMs, most of them are damaged or out of date, they deliver minimal amounts of money, there is a problem with cash here.

Thank you very much for reading and the kind comment.


Ja,ja,ja que horribles recuerdos amiga @charjaim, removieron mi ser. Sentía mucho temor al pararme frente a eso monstruo, de verdad, ver a las personas salir con sus hombros muy por debajo de su cuello era desesperante. ¡Qué odisea era sacar nuestro dinero!


Tengo una amiga que odiaba esto y de verdad que es muy complicado todo por las circunstancias que rodeaban ese acto de sacar nuestro propio dinero.


I can imagine the frustration on his face when he saw "out of service" hahaha, now he has to go queue up again with the others who were to use the other machine and wait for his turn, he'll definitely stay humble after such experience 🤣. Nice one


Life is a teacher who takes the opportunity to teach her classes at all times. At least that he learned not to make fun of people is enough. Best regards


Counting your money before leaving an ATM? what kind of ATM is that, let called it a no man cashier 🤣🤣

No one to trust the ATM at this point, not even me too.🤣🤣


Insecurity and fear leads to doing those incoherent things, he would have no one to complain to anyway.


At least that would make him sure of what he got and not something he would later regret about.


Wait!! This doesn't just happen in only Nigeria??😂😂😂...it's very important you count your money these days after using the ATM, those things can be trickster sometimes. I once got debited and the money didn't come out, I waited for about 3 minutes and the money still didn't come out. I went into the bank to complain. Turns out it gave the money to the next person that used it


This seemed to happen everywhere, now there are practically no ATMs, most of them are damaged, we have problems with cash, some things have changed.


Es la primera vez que me topo con estos post de chiste y comedia, de las cosas que me parecen más difíciles es la de sacar sonrisas por medio de un chiste.

Usted me saco varias, solo nosotros los venezolanos podemos reírnos de cada circunstancia que nos ha puesto la vida en nuestra querida tierra; sin embargo, los que más me ha gustado de su publicación es el mensaje final que nos invita a reflexionar sobre la vida y pensar que merecemos aquello que recibimos, así que hay que dar amor y dinero para recibirlo jajajá.

Qué agradable lectura, muchas gracias por compartir. @charjaim 😉


Muchísimas gracias, su comentario me llenó de alegría. Reírnos de las calamidades es una afición extraña pero necesaria.

Saludos cordiales.


Jajajaja, te confieso que con mi esposo quedamos que el tenía que hacer esas colas porque la verdad yo no tengo la paciencia, pero cuando me tocaba parece increíble pero faltando una sola persona ya no había dinero, la verdad es que era desesperante, pero bueno, ya de cierta manera nos liberamos de eso.
