You Get What You Pay For With Government


Hey Jessocialists

The world over governments have come into question over their handling of the lockdowns, economic recovery and management of the money supply and while most people don't understand how the economy works, the majority focus on what the government can do for them. You pay your taxes like a good solider and outsource some of your purchasing power via inflation to allow the government to run the country the way they see fit.

When governments exercise their programs from tax cuts, trade tariffs, regulations on business, lending standards, and the social projects they choose to fund the focus is always on one side of the output.

The media and people focus on look at all the jobs they created, look at all the businesses they've helped, look at all the cover they've given with rental moratoriums and providing free this and that.

There's always a positive spin doctor bragging about how the government was able to do something, but we never talk about what your tax and inflation stealing purchasing power does that isn't great.


No one talks about the unintended costs and consequences.

No one ever talks about how the government spends to keep people poor; no one talks about how government-backed loans drive up the bloated spending in the medical field or student debt. No one talks about how much money is spent jailing innocent people.

No one talks about the money spent to fight wars. No one talks about the money spent funding companies that don't exist but are only ways to extract tax through government contracts.

No one talks about the kickbacks and law changes to give companies an unfair advantage over others.

The sign of the times is the direct result of your government's policies. Don't look at what should have been done, or could have been done, look at what is being done, that's where the money is going.

You get what you pay for

The more you fund governments with your taxes and inflation, the more you call for more government intervention, the more you have to accept ALL of what happens because of this outsourcing of your purchasing power.

You need to accept the police brutality, the monopolistic companies, the student loan crisis and the inflation tax; you need to accept the hollowing out of the economy and bailouts because this is the representation YOU asked for and YOU paid for so you have to take responsibility for the good AND THE BAD they do with the money.

As someone who disagrees, I'm willing to fund alternative currencies and would much rather have Bitcoiners steal my purchasing power if they ever forked to change the hard cap or unlock wallets that are dead/lost before I let governments do it.

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What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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Defund the corporate government's 👍


If people want a government by all means, but we should be allowed to say those that don't agree with it, don't fund it. How do you protest and ask for change if everyone still has to pay either through tax or inflation even when I don't agree, to me that makes no sense


The truth, however, is that – to speak only of what I know personally – if I had kept a diary for the last twenty-four years and inscribed in it all the devotion and self-sacrifice which I came across in the Socialist movement, the reader of such a diary would have had the word “heroism” constantly on his lips. But the men I would have spoken of were not heroes; they were average men, inspired by a grand idea. Every Socialist newspaper – and there are hundreds of them in Europe alone – has the same history of years of sacrifice without any hope of reward, and, in the overwhelming majority of cases, even without any personal ambition.
Pyotr Kropotkin, Mutual Aid

I've been reading and tweeting. All the best to you comrade


The more I learn the more I see the socialist v capitalist debate to be a non-starter, its 2 sides of the same coin under a fiat monetary system where we all have to pay regardless of our beliefs, then there are no breaks on this runaway train either way it runs.

These last few months have come with a lot of introspection for me, and trying to figure out wtf I want to do next!

Thanks, man appreciate it.


I can certainly appreciate that perspective. It's not wrong. There are many different versions of socialism however, it's a pretty generic moniker to describe a very broad swath.

Considering fiat isn't going away without a mass extinction level event it's compelling to try to work within those confines. A sad resignation but pragmatism is key and in that vein it's crucial to note that no pure ideology will ever be sufficient, and perfection is a banality need not be mentioned.

A hybrid of ideologies and the freedom to let egalitarianism reign, allowing communities to boldly forge ahead with varying degrees of state supervision (maybe none) could prove proficient for a larger majority than our current paradigm which is forever precariously teetering on complete annihilation.

At this juncture of global development and human consciousness it seems that the democratic socialist model is best suited to serve as a stepping stone. To what? Star Trek planetary federation of course 🖖


I do get that it's on a spectrum between the two extreme versions and both sides tend to point to the worse version of it and saying look how horrific the other one is, I just don't see countries really giving it much thought about what is the best thing to do for their unique situation, people and sustainable future.

It's all a competitive race to the bottom, no one wants to live within their means when they see the other one "getting ahead" through debt, governments and countries are no different from people, I'm all for competition but this pissing contest has far too much collateral damage and without us having either a place to go where we say we opt out, or a way to opt out we all guilty by association.

The sad reality is and I don't like it but it sure does look like Bitcoin is the only play for me personally to sake some semblance of what I've worked for and try to build a life. I don't want any government handouts, happy to work for my keep, but then fuckit let me keep it, all of it.

I'd love more localism, instead of all this fucking I'm this nationality or this race, lets just be like we here living here lets help each other instead of looking outside and to state actors and hoping someones going to give a fuck, they won't!


You are right, we call on the government and we pay for what we want. the government is getting much money but that money isn't used for anything. They get the money and use for their benefit.
We get nothing even after all the taxes collected. Nothing to show for this money. Nigeria suffers more because of this corrupt government.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


When the money is not yours and you have no obligation to pay it back and can create more at any time, you create a system for moral hazard and plunder, there is no suffering if governments screw things up, the people take the losses, they can only win

Until people realise this and take back their money, and value and refuse to bend the knee to government money nothing can change


"I am a Jessie."

I would have a lot to say on the subject, but not in the mood right now. :p


Lol no worries whenever you’re ready, we’re all hear to listen
