An Astute Frog! [Original Story]


It was my hidden wish to wrote a story that might remind me of the days I used to read Aesop's outstanding and educational fables which I think made many of our childhood amazing.

When I started composing it I was a bit nervous; why; you get to know. I think I am pretty good at making stories but worse at putting them into words.

However, this time I dared writing a fable! Blink! Blink! Donno how it will pan out. But it was a nice feeling writing it thoroughly.

Ignore my amateurish attempt of writing and I just want to share the fun.

So, lets see...



An Astute Frog!

The story begins with a small matter of quarrel with a frog and a venomous snake. The argument went high and the words spread quickly. They were in a fight on the argument that who could kill a man with a small bite.
The Snake laught laught and laught. He was like, you tiny frog how the hell you could kill a man without having venom or beast-like teeth! But the Frog was overconfident and assured that he definitely can kill a man by his bite.
The lone forest awaits!
The frog bites him and the snake bites him back. The cruel play begins. Everyone is busy proving their superiority. And there was a commotion. Many forest beasts come along and temporarily stopped their fight.
Many beasts in the forest was gathered around watching the fight and fun. One of them said, let's go to Mr. Fox, he might have a good solution of your debate.
The lone forest becomes chaotic.
A meeting was called to settle the matter under the big old tree middle of the forest. The so called scholar fox (quote unquote) who is known to be the best in terms of prudence is called upon to make decisions and give advice.
It was started early in the morning but now the Sun is going towards afternoon. Mr. Fox arrived lately before the audience; king of the jungle was out of the territory and that is why today we see this meeting is handled by the Fox.
Sitting comfortably before a large number of audience the fox told all to keep quite and listens the complaint. Also discusses with snake and frog separately. Listening to the speeches of everyone present in the meeting. Finally the decision will be given tomorrow.
During this time there were rumors all around; Either the snake has venom but the frog must have something hidden power that people will die from its bite as well!
Fox's sleepless night passes and he worries grew like mountains...
The meeting started again next morning. Mr. Fox said, "My friends, we all know that one of them has strong venom and one has none. I couldn’t understand how the frog can win. And it is hard to prove such thing in a easy way." Everyone present at the meeting was surprised. They all wanted proof.
He again uttered, if Frog has any proposal we could consider that. The frog seems very confident about his power. According to his request Mr. fox took everyone to a pond where a man baths everyday at the same time regularly.
They've made a plan to bite the man individually. But here frog throws a condition. He said that when the snake bites, the frog will float in the water in front of the man. And when the frog bites, the snake will float in the water in front of the man.
The snake was laughing and laughing. Everyone watched in silence...
All said, let's see if it works or not. So, the terms were set and the snake first bits the person who was bathing and then was underwater. The man got scared at the first place. But as soon as he saw the frog floating in the water in front of his eyes, his fear disappeared. With his hands under the water, he subconsciously pressed on the wound and expelled the poisonous blood.
Time passed but the man remained normal. Now it's the frog's turn.
On the sorted day, the frog bits the man and the snake immediately floated on the water...
The man panicked. Became frightened. He started screaming. A gathering of people was formed all around. One by one they started giving advice. Five or seven types of doctors came and appeared. Five to seven types of methods. Five to seven types of medicine. Everyone was anxious to prove their own superiority. But all the excesses failed. All together repulsed. The man died in a further altercation.
The Snake was like, No; what was that!
Everyone was amazed as well. And the Frog wins!
But story not ends. Everyone sat down vigilantly under the old tree of the forest with foxes, frogs, snakes and others. Everyone is worried about the cause of the incident.
The fox said...
Ha ha ha! Listen my friends, at first I didn't catch it properly. But now a I know. We forgot the simple thing about humans that nothing but the fear can killed man. Man's greatest weakness is his faith and fear. The lack of the first and the excess of the second force people to accept defeat. Every human being should deal with fear with faith. Fear is always defeated by those who can do it.
The frog uses it and made the man believe what he sees without giving it a closer look.
In this world, only man can use his intellect, conscience and prudence in many ways. Combining these three characteristics people should strengthen their faith.

The End.

However, I wanted to add a moral of the story but then I thought let it be as it is. Let's just get the fin out of it.

Thank you for reading my stuff with love and best wishes.


It reminds me of an experiment carried out in a lab where a death-sentensed man was asked to participate in an experiment. He was told that he will be bitten by a snake to see how soon it kills someone. On the scheduled day, he was blindfolded after showing him the snake. But instead of snake bite, he was pinched by alpin twice.
Unfortunately, he died and the postmortem report revealed he died in heart failure knowing that the snake will bite him. It's not the poison that killed him but the toxicity of his mind.

Also, the ruling of fox was like ফাঁকা বনে শেয়াল রাজা 😀


True that. I've also hard about this story. I'm happy that my story triggered you to think about it. Ha ha ha...

And thank you for the compliment and of course..

