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Self-discipline is the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses, and to think before you react. It makes up one of the five elements of emotional intelligence, concept developed by psychologist Daniel Goleman, and it helps us stop unhelpful behavior, and keep calm under pressure. Is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you're feeling, physically or emotionally. Motivation gets you started while self discipline gets you going. From my research self discipline is one of the vital key elements and attitude needed in this platform. It also helps one to abide to protocols and laws. One of the multiple books I've read which is "the power of self discipline by Brian Tracy, which says Self-discipline is the key to success and happiness in life. Hard work, delayed gratification, and mastering your impulses all leading to better outcomes in professional, personal, and spiritual life. Lack of self discipline leads Excuses being the fertilisers to failure leads to unachieved dreams and desired outcome.
Jim Rohn in his book titled 7 strategies for wealth and happiness says that Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment and the glue that binds inspiration to achievement … the magic that turns financial necessity into the creation of an inspired work of art. Self discipline is the key to your dreams and aspirations, a critical ingredient for both wealth and happiness. If your goal requires you write posts 7 times a week and you write one you are left with three which leaves with unachieved goals and aims. Religiously self discipline is an attribute which leads to spiritual growth and standardisation, also it helps in keeping and consisting in doctrines. Biblically according to the letter written by St. Paul to the Hebrew church chapter 12 vs 10-11 which says


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Discipline is also a vital key to holiness. Though it seems unpleasant but produces a harvest of peace and righteousness when being trained by it. Being trained by discipline requires consistency and determination. Conclusively discipline is not easy to practice and adapt to but courage, determination and having the right mindset makes it possible. What does it take to acquire discipline? First, it requires that you develop an awareness of the importance of discipline in your life. Start by asking yourself: “What do I want to
accomplish in my life? What changes do I need to make in order to attain my goals?”Second, ask yourself honestly: “Am I willing to do what it takes?” If you answer “yes,” then you need to make a long-term commitment to maintain your discipline wisely, deliberately, consistently. Finally, your commitment will be tested when circumstances emerge that could interfere with your commitment to your new discipline when you will have to perform, come rain or come shine. Certainly discipline will do much for you. But of even greater importance is what it will do to you. It will make you feel terrified about yourself. Even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude. And the good feeling you get, that surging feeling of self worth which comes from starting a new discipline — is almost as good as the feeling which comes from the accomplishment of the discipline. A new discipline immediately changes the direction of your life, like a ship turning in mid ocean and heading toward a new destination. Discipline attracts opportunity. Exciting opportunities invariably come to those who have developed skills and who have the ambition to act. Anyone can begin the process of being disciplined. You can do it by degrees, one step at a time, and gradually you will start having a tremendous change. Thanks for reading.
