THE GRIND: No. 122


Welcome to our curation compilation of some amazing original coffee stories from community members around the globe. It's been an amazing week with joyous stories surrounding the history, pleasures, and fascination that we all have for our favourite beverage, coffee, that we have skimmed for throughout the week.

Cinnamon Cup Coffee likes to boost your energies with our strong coffee content, so here are some outstanding ones, which we thought you'd like to check out.
If you like them too, why don't you show some love, share, and perhaps have a chat with the authors:)

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Conversation, coffee and a friendly atmosphere in Charlotte by @universoperdido

Last week, after an introductory talk about Hive, given by the @hivevalencia team, we decided to meet at a very famous cafe in the city, which is so prosperous that it has several locations in different municipalities. It is one of my favorite places since the atmosphere is friendly. It is a very nice and quiet place to have a coffee and chat with friends. We were ready to gossip and joke about interesting travel anecdotes, so we all decided to taste the variety of coffees offered by the establishment.

Lattes at the Endensor Tea Room by @ellenripley

We decided to call in at the Tea Rooms in Edensor (pronounced Enza). The cafe is on the Chatsworth Estate owned by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire. I loved the way they had decorated the door. It was very welcoming. There was a nice view of St Peter's Church where John F Kennedy's sister's grave is. JFK was the 35th president of the United States. Kathleen was married to Kennedy William Cavendish, the Marquess of Hartington.

Chip, Chip, Cherry O to you Champs and Coffee Lovers by @captainquack22

It's that 1 day out of the 365, the day that signifies my date of birth. 38 years ago now, this sucks. I kinda hate my birthday but what can you do? It's better than being one, with the earth and the dirt. At least my health is ok for now, and I shall keep chuggin forward.

Amarelo coffee and tea by @wendyth16

Among its decor is yellow and olive green, with wood sealing the ceiling and shelves, I love the variety of Greca coffee pots in various colors, and natural plants in pots, all related to coffee as a sign that everything is in keeping with the place.

Delighting a new Venezuelan Andean flavour @emily22

I approached a shop miles from my home, every time I visit any micro or macro establishment I admire the different presentations of coffee and I was struck by the packaging of a new product and took the decision to explore it, plus it is a product made in the capital where he lived, which is to be proud because we are undertaking despite the country situation, its cost varies according to the grams

I always choose coffee at your side by @daimar07

I am ashamed to say that I have months that we do not go to a coffee shop to enjoy a good coffee, and these photos were of that nice place that I enjoyed and that I really loved. A nice place, with many LED lights, with music, with super friendly people who serve you from the table and offer you all the services available in the cafeteria. We decided to stay just because we liked the attention and we also needed a coffee

A coffee in the heights by @alteramelia


I met a spectacular coffee shop that I would like to introduce to you. It's called Páramo Café and you could say it's already a chain of coffee shops, but they're very special, I think it's just being born because as far as I know it only has branches in 4 cities and three of them are in my city, I've already met two of them, one in the centre of Caracas and the other in the Sambil shopping centre.

Café Viejo Molino, economical and very tasty/Tasting Colombian coffee by @aurodivys

I have been trying the mild type to get my palate accustomed to this different flavor of coffee, after trying others of higher quality. It is possible that later on I will try the medium type until I reach the strong type. As for its price, it is more economical than the ones I have tried before, for example, the Juan Valdez or the Oma that I love.

Tipi Cafe - Natural Green Cafe by @a-alice

This restaurant is called: "Tipi Kafe", a cool space with 2 floors and a large space with many trees. The feeling when entering the space is very airy and cool, I like green spaces like this, it makes me more comfortable and excited at work. I always choose the 2nd-floor location to have the most relaxing space to work, the feeling is really chill. This restaurant doesn't serve sunflower seeds like other coffee shops in Vietnam because they said they don't want to dirty the floor.

Thank you for checking out #TheGrind, 3Cs Coffee Curation of awesome coffee posts from the community.

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Thank you for the mention, it is an honor to share in the community of coffee lovers. Greetings.


Have a lovely day:)

You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-3.jpg
Image belongs to millycf1976


Thanks for the mention and for all the support... I am very happy with this community.
