The right glee never fades


Image from pixabay. Redesigned

Whether old or young, we live to find happiness all the days of our lives. Whenever we sleep and wake to see another day, the first thing that comes to us is living a happy life throughout that day. We do this everyday, that's why we would continue to make happiness a priority everyday of our lives. But we all seek happiness in different ways, and it means different thing to us. To some people, the only happiness they seek is having a child. Some need money to be happy, and to some people, it's good health.

How I see true happiness

I believe that true happiness is a feeling that comes from the innermost part of the mind. I see it as a state of mind where an individual has the feeling of being complete like when a puzzle is completed. Happiness is not created by the amount we have in our bank account , so whether the account is buoyant or not, it's not a yardstick to measure true happiness, however, money brings happiness to say the fact, but there's more to having TRUE happiness that money cannot buy. I see true happiness as the measure of life which has to do with where it's placed by an individual. True happiness cannot have one definition,because it's a feeling that erupts from the heart, and we all hav our ways of describing it. It's always triggered by something big enough to keep it stable and constant irrespective of what transpires in ones life

I'm recently passing through something that seems to weigh me down each time I remember it, but I found out that I'm living my life without worry. No one can live a perfect life without having one or two things that will disturb the mind, but the way we tackle it and the state where we place our mind matters, which is what tells us whether we really have the true happiness we are talking about or just the happiness that comes from the outside. True happiness is from within. it cannot be taken away by the circumstances around you. If wealth brings happiness, what will happen if the money and the properties vanishes? Definitely, the joy is swept away as the wealth disappears. If good health is what brings true happiness, what happens when one lands on the sick bed with a killing diagnosis? The joy of good health is washed away as well. If that only son is the true happiness, what happens if he gets missing? Just name it. Many things in life give us temporary happiness. True happiness is only gotten from what you can never lose in as much as you are alive and conscious of life

As for me, I think that what I cannot lose that can keep giving me true happiness is loving God and putting a smile on peoples face in any way I can. I always derive pleasure from these. My oh my! I'm not a perfect person. In fact, I'm very sinful and my good ways are like filthy rags, but the fact that I love my creator gives me true happiness and nothing can take that away. I don't really need to put anything in place to have true happiness because it's within. I sleep and wake with it every day, and I carry it around all the time. Loving my creator and making sure others derive happiness from me is fulfilling. Money, good health, good wife, good job, good friend, and other things are ephemeral things that we all crave for. Of course it makes us happy, but that is only when we have them

Just as I said earlier, the things I have in place that is giving me true happiness will last forever with me if peradventure I become immortal. It will go on and on, and it costs me nothing. True happiness is not just happiness. The TRUE, MAKES IT REALLY TRUE

Thanks for reading.
This is ckole the laughing gas.
One love


Putting a smile on people's face is a vety wonderful thing just like I did today
It makes you to be at peace with yourself...


Pure peace mam. When you put a smile on people's face, it gives you that joy, peace and gladness of the heart. Keep it up pretty. Thanks a lot


Knowing that you love God and He loves you in return is true happiness. It is good to also put smiles on people´s faces, it is what I don´t fail to do every day and at night, I think of someone who smiled through me and that alone satisfies me.


I'm very much convinced within me that reciprocating God's love is true happiness. Putting a smile on people's face is showing of love. It makes me light like feather. Thanks for the comment maam.


Exactly, you are very right. So, let's keep doing our best in that aspect. You are welcome
