Shitposting shame



I try to make my posts as entertaining as possible but sometimes I can't help myself but go on tangents and ramble about all sorts of stuff that might sounds serious. But they are just my thoughts sprinkled with some jokes on top, and are intended to entertain more than anything else. Sure, sometimes the jokes are more obvious and more abundant and the humorous tone is kind of obvious, but in other posts where the I babble my wait through all sorts of topic people tend to take what I see a bit seriously.

If I complain or bitch and moan about something it's more to be silly and sometimes vent rather than to be taken at face value. And while I appreciate the dudes and dudettes that take pity on this crazy fool and express their support , I would be way happier if I just make people smile instead. Laughing works as well if you feel so inclined of course, but that only happens if Lolz-Jesus blesses my last braincells with his gift of dank jokes.
