Fiery Monochrome Monday


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate black and white versions of some of my fire pictures!

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Fiery Monochrome Monday

Taking pictures of a fire is definitely a fun thing for me to do. Fires are enchanting to have going and to look into them when you are near them, it's no wonder that ancient people felt like they were being put into a trance when they had it going.

I don't know if I've switched any of my fire photos into black and white though so I figured I would give it a whirl!

The little man and I have a lot of fun in the fall, winter and spring collecting and taking care of the grounds that we live on by bringing it all over to the fire pit and having a good old fashioned fire. I think a lot of the people that live where we do have no idea that there is a fire pit there, as most people I've spoken to, even people who have lived here for 30 years or more, never had an idea that there was a fire pit lol. We take full advantage of that!

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The fire pit gets a lot of use from us lately that's for sure! With the little man being able to get outside for longer and colder temperatures I make sure that we go on our adventures every few days to light the fire and burn more of the stuff that falls off the trees as a way to help manage the land.

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The people who live here don't appreciate it but I know that controlled burning and fires are a really good way to help manage a landscape for various reasons. Granted we are not going around and burning the stuff on the actual ground but we are picking it up and bringing it over to the fire pit and burning it. We also have stopped using paper and other nasty chemicals that many people use, and I even used a lot in previous years. I've been trying to get into more pure methods for lighting and maintaining fires by using what's around me for the most part, except that I will use dryer lint or cotton balls to start it lol that's a given! I don't know if I could find enough dry fluffy tuft where we are to start it without that. I've tried it but it didn't work out so well!

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I really enjoyed flipping the pictures to black and white though, I think they are pretty dramatic!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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A good fire in the autumn and winter is the best! Don't even need 'smores to enjoy it; just the chill in the air and a hot coffee!
