Partially Frozen Wednesday Hike


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to enjoy the hike the little man and I took recently!


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Partially Frozen Wednesday Hike

It's been a little funny for me, for once the little man is in a bit of a lazy mood! I've asked him to go for walks a few different times but he says no he doesn't want to go. I am not used to that! Lol

The little man has been getting more into playing with his Lego's lately which I can't blame him too much. The weather hasn't been very nice to do a whole lot outside for long periods of time which is a bummer because we were having a lot of fun in the summer. With living in an area that changes seasons though, you eventually have to deal with the cold! Lol. He started being a pain when I told him that I want to go out for a walk or a hike but on this day I dragged his little butt outside! He fought it at first and wasn't too happy to be outside instead of playing with his precious Lego.


A few minutes in however.. and he was back to his normal, energetic and skipping personality. He's darting around this corner here excited to see what awaits us on the other side. In this case, it was nothing really good except somebody's back yard lol so we didn't really get to go anywhere special on this bend but it was good to see him warming up to the idea that we were outside and lucky to be outside and enjoying the scenery that we are. Not everyone gets to enjoy these areas! So I have been making it more of a point now to get his little toosh outside.

He was picking up sticks and singing his songs that he normally does so he's certainly in a little bit of a funk from the colder weather and decreased amount of sunlight. Thankfully we have the solstice coming up today so the days will finally start getting longer again! Looking forward to more sunshine for sure!


The place we went hiking is one that we've been fishing before a few times and had 50/50 luck. One time we got some amazing fish, the other time all we caught were snapping turtles trying to eat our stuff lol. This place ended up being a lot bigger than I thought it was! That was a lot of fun!

What I also enjoyed about the hike is that we got to explore around a pretty large part of the place without the annoyance of bugs. In the summertime this place is pretty awesome but it's also infested with insane amounts of bugs so walking too deep into the area isn't very enjoyable because you're fighting off mosquitoes and all kinds of other annoying things flying at your face and trying to get a bite out of ya. The place was a lot more complicated than I thought! I know we will be back here for sure in the spring and summertime to check out some more of the fishing!


You may or may not remember this really cool waterfall here. This is what first drew me to the spot! I was looking for a different place to fish with the little man and I saw this one on the map and figured that it might be a decent spot to go since it's funneling the water down to an area like this. That usually means that the fishing near the falls here can be hit or miss. It could potentially be great with the bigger fish looking to snag anything smaller that gets caught in the current. It also does attract the damn bigger animals like snapping turtles though, which we experienced first hand last year or the year before, I forget which lol.


We ventured out onto the different parts of the pond though! The above pictures that I took were straight ahead but a little to the left of the middle. We were at that vantage point looking at this spot here where the log is but we had to walk around the left side the longer way because of the private property that wouldn't allow us to cross. Not a huge deal for me, as I wanted to respect them and their land.

That meant though, that the little man and I got to explore a lot more of the lake than we ever did before! I'm glad that we did, and I've got a bunch more pictures to come of the other part of the lake that we got to see. The other part of the lake here is what I'm excited about for the fishing aspect! We will get some great fishing for sure but it's a fair bit more pictures and I wanted to keep this post here on the moderate length instead of too long lol.


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I wish to visit places like this also one day and I hope it will be possible for me.. nice post buddy, happy Christmas in advance


Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too!

The place was beautiful for sure but one of the good things is that we can find unique places all around us no matter where we live! You just have to explore a little bit and you could find a place that I think would be beautiful and lucky to live near!


Thank, probably, I will try exploring some day and see the beauty of where I live


The kid is all grown up. Time flies - my god.


Yeah man it's crazy! Sad lol but good! A friend of mine just had a newborn a few days ago and it would be hard to start over at this point lol full of wonderful times and memories for sure but when you get past a certain stage you are grateful not to go back lol


What a great walk you had. Good that you were able to get your little man out of the house. I'm sure he has a great time with the legos but a little air and nature and being able to explore the outdoors is wonderful for kids.


Thanks! It was a lot of fun indeed and I'm glad to get him out in the fresh air. He's got a lot of energy so when he doesn't go outside that translates into the house being the destroyed zone instead of the trails lol


Oh they are always happier when you get them out in nature. Even when my boy grizzled about it he'd feel better in the end!

How old is he now?


Yeah hey are such a stink sometimes about being outside but enjoy it when they are lol. He grumbled this morning for our walk but was jumping around picking things up. I guess we grumbled as kids for certain things too, being outside usually wasn’t one of them but it was something.


Just gotta insist and jolly them along. Dad knows best, after all.


So cute, man!

Lego is fantastic! We still play with it and my son is almost 12. Have some recent creations right here next to me that I'm planning to get onto @galenkp 's Lego community.

Yeah! A Lego community! :D

Hear you on getting them outside though. It becomes a real struggle as they become older and get into their own thing.

Smart dad. The sunlight thing. We have tons of it in South Africa and I still force my son to walk with me to absorb it.

Sunlight changes everything but for mood? Well. Vital! Non negotiable. Like eating veggies or brushing teeth.

Where is this place??? 👀

I want a cabin in the woods just there by that lake, please!

And a pack of wolves... or huskies. Either are fine


Thanks! I’ve posted quite a few in the lego community! It’s been a little bit but I’ve got a build that’s sitting in my draft folder just need to get it finished up and written lol.

Sunlight is so important for sure! It’s got a lot of benefits on so many different things but as does exercise. We don’t get enough of it in the wintertime but that’s okay we take advantage of the times that we can! The few square inches of our faces absorb the vitamin D lol

I would love a cabin in the woods too! If I had my way I would be in the mountains somewhere but my wife doesn’t want that so we have to settle on something else lol


Relate. A bunch of half finished posts and projects here too.

Life intrudes

It's why cabins in the woods seem so enticing.

But love... it's worth compromising for, I reckon :)

Enjoy the walks out there. Looks like the landscape makes up for the cold!


Such a beautiful walk, I cant blame your little one for not wanting to go out in the cold but great that once you dragged him out he enjoyed the walk

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, I always love seeing all the walks shared from around the world, but as I am not getting out for as many walks at the moment because of feeling the cold I am especially loving the walks all around the world its like a virtual world tour


Yeah he was being a little skootch about being outside but glad that we got outside and he had fun. I’m looking for any of the days that are in the 40’s to enjoy lol. Thanks for checking it out my friend!


Thats my plan as well itf the weather is clear and in the 40s I wil try and get out for a walk


You know, if I could play with my lego more often I would, too. 😂

Seriously good to get the little man outside. You're spot on that a lack of sunlight can definitely put a damper on a person's spirit, so good to take advantage of it when you can. And a really good spot for it, too! I need to get myself back outside, too.


Going for a walk with our little man is relaxing. The bond and the camaraderie get stronger. What a nice place it is. Stay safe and God bless.


What a beautiful walk with all of the wonderful colours and so peaceful looking too.

I would love to go swimming in that lake but it looks a little too frozen for me...🤣


It’s certainly a beautiful place but it is a little chilly in the temperature hahah. There is a polar bear club though so people might go in for a dip!
