Waxing and Waning


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to ponder about the fluctuations in work energies.


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Waxing and Waning

There are times when we feel like we are at the top of our game and then there are days where we are in the bottom of the trough, trying to scrape the little leftover bits together to try and keep it going lol.

I've felt some challenges on many fronts lately and a lot of it is because of the crazy situations that are going on at work. I am usually really good about managing my work time and keeping things up to date and doing everything that I need to but man has it really gotten crazy lately.


One of the challenges I've got is definitely mentally induced. I had things in the past that I was doing because I knew how to do it and could do it but should I have been doing it? I guess not but that's the thing with me, if someone is slacking I tend to pick up that slack because I want to keep the forward progress and momentum. This has been a definite strength of mine but it's also definitely caused me some issues and these past few weeks have most certainly presented me with my fair share of issues.

With working on projects, one of the things that I seem to be stuck in is the odd time between things. I have some of the old projects that got delayed for one reason or another, some of it may be my fault, some of it not but they got delayed. They are still lingering in my list and I've been working on them however I got a couple newer ones that I've been trying to work on as well. The newer ones I'm trying to get started off on the right foot and that means that I'm trying to put a little more attention to them so that I don't get stuck in the same rut that I'm at right now with the older ones. This has led me to this weird conundrum where I know how I can get the other ones back on track but for whatever reason I'm not able to do that in a good way but with the new ones, I feel a bit more fervor to make sure those don't fall into the same annoying feedback loop that I'm in right now.


Of course there are some other factors related to this as well, with some of it being personality clashing. I get along really well with most of the people I work with but there are a few people that I'm working with that we really don't see eye to eye and it's definitely difficult to manage that sandpaper relationship among all of the other things that I've got going on in work and outside of work.

A recent example is I told someone what the feedback was for something not working correctly. The person didn't believe me and said I didn't give enough information. They then spoke with the person who provided that information to me, gave them the same information, and boom they immediately knew what needed to be fixed. That really pissed me off but I have to hold my tongue because we are getting close to wrapping this up and I can be done with them for a while, hopefully forever because they aren't that far away from retirement.


Some of the days I feel like I'm operating at 150% in my work and other days I feel like I'm operating at about 75% and it's tough lol. I wouldn't mind a consistent 100% instead of the fluctuations but I know there are certainly different reasons for those things to occur. Temperature outside, amount of sunlight and the quantity of emails I'm getting and messages having to respond to all have quite a factor in this. One other important factor though that's really tough to manage is the eyes of management on the things that I'm doing. They aren't prying and demanding I give them "X" updates at some ungodly hour but the fact that they know me and have to interact with me gives me a bit of pause, as I would prefer they not know who I am and would hear my name from my manager or director once or twice and it passes right through them without a second thought. Instead they know me by name now and I'm not thrilled about that honestly hahaha. It can work in a good favor for sure, but at the moment I'm just trying to stay above water on these things and get off their radar. Working at 100% every day would certainly help to make that a reality.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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