Inching Toward 5K SPS


I am slow to the party and thus movingvery slowly towards achieving 5K SPS. This was my target to achieve last year but could not actually do it. So the goal of this year or most probably early this year is to have 5K SPS staked. Even though I am slow, I am looking for long term investment to the SPS. Though I could not able to buy a lot from the market, but still wait for some price fluctuations to see if I can get some good number of SPS.


As of today I managed to get around 3.8K SPS and soon it will reach to 4K and thus eventually 5K. I am sure it will happen very soon than I anticipate. The APR is also quite good and that is 23+ APR which is again quite good. So I am also getting some SPS from my holdings, but not that much.


With so many things happening in SPlinterlands, I believe the price of SPS will catch up soon and will increase as and when we see influx of more users. We all know that when there is a Bull market, a lot of people will again come back to the market and that is where we will see more investments or more users coming into the Play2Earn space. Since Splinterlands is one of the market leader in the Play2Earn category, we can see more new users coming in.

This is the time to get more Splinterlands assets as much as you can because the bear market is where you will have more assets compared to the bull market. Thus the low price can be seen as an opportunity to buy more and more. And when we have the bear market, we can slowly fill more and more assets in our portfolio. And it's not only the SPS which I am building, along with the SPS I am also trying to get as much as cards possible. Because we all know that when there was a Bull market in Splinterlands all the cards where selling high. And now seems to be a good time to get some good cards, either by playing and getting it as rewards or buying it from the market. I am planning to buy some new rewards cards when they are cheap now so that I can increase its levels too.

With the new rewards cards coming in, it's good for the news users too because they can get some good cards as rewards. I am not renting my cards and playing and thus getting some SPS from there too. Though the SPS is not that big but still ok to complete my goal of getting that 5K SPS. I am hopeful that one day I will get some big SPS as rewards which can make my goals easier to reach. I know it's pure luck, but again we all wait for some miracle to happen. Though I will not only wait for it, but working towards overall increasing my assets in the game.


If you want to play Splinterlands then you can join it here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
