Is Greed Killing Tourism Industry

Last month I visited Goa and being the start of the season it was crowded, now if someone goes today they will eventually see huge number of crowd and that is what Goa is famous for. Goa is one of the famous tourist attraction in the holiday season of December. This is because of the pleasant weather as well as the number of events happens this time around.


2023 will be gone in few days and people will get into their monotonous life. But most of the people want to make the holidays and new year as remarkable as possible and thus they go on holidays as well as party to celebrate the new year. And to be honest the best party place in all over India is Goa and that's why people all over India want to take part in that epic celebration and thus come to Goa this time around.

Now to suffice these number of people, there are new hotels coming up, new casinos are build, new restaurants are coming. This is actually becoming the problem for the local people out there, because though most rely on the tourist industry, there are people who have chosen goa for peace. Though there are huge number of crowd, people usually not happy after visiting because of the same reason, too much crowd.

A lot of people who visit Goa is just for relaxing on the beach. I know there are number of beaches where you can go and relax but the price significantly higher than the crowded counterpart. With more people we are actually polluting the beaches, and thus we are not seeing clean water or the dolphins which used to be seen few years back.

And thus since the greed is for the tourist also to I.e. greed of happiness whereas the greed of officials too by giving numerous contracts for the people and thus making it a choking effect on the whole state. It should not happen that too much greed should ruin the whole tourism industry in Goa.


This same issues is happening all over the world and not only in GOA where money is the first priority and not security or a well secure and safe environment for everyone. Personally I think tourism is now overrated compared to the past where it’s something you do once in a while, now almost everyone wants to visit every single tourist resort available just to feel happy about themselves.


Blame the vlogger.. 🤣🤣🤣 and the articles
"30places to visit before you die" kinda things.

They hype so much as if the world is ending tomorrow and this is the only chance.


This cracked me😂😂

Youre right. We've got to blame them for creating such such scary blogs and most people as we know it fear what they won't be able to do before they die, instead of just living their life.


Corrupt officials in mid level management or civil service can destroy a nation. It's rife in China, India and my South Africa. Perhaps all developing nations.

Thailand also has become polluted over time.
