MASS INDOCTRINATION DAY 7 - 18th January 2022


Hello brethrens, hope you doing great and I'm happy to share with you today what I learned during the Mass Indoctrination Bible teaching session led by brother Eli. I'm really thankful to MCGI for the opportunity to they have given us to learn about the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Important points we have learned from God's word discussed in the Zoom meeting:

The commands of God regarding fellowship

In Gal 6:10 There is one command in building people. This command is about doing good to all men. Though we can do good to all men the Bible commands us to do it more especially to those of the household of faith. There people who engage in evil vices against others who do and such people can't be be of but from the devil as the Bible says in John 8:44.

Anyone who is taught by his religion to murder people cannot claim to belong to God and oing favour for the God for God is not a murderer but the devil John 16:2. The lord Jesus christ is against such individuals who do evil against others.

Those who pretend to doing God favour or serving Him in the name of murdering their brethrens or kill their fellow men are not of God. The good we will do to the household of faith is the same thing we ought to those outside.

What are God commandment to the servants of God?

Put on Love Which is the Bond of Perfection

In Colosians 3:14 the Bible commands us to put on love which is the bond of perfection. The priimary doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ is LOVE. The first command by our Lord Jesus Christ is to love the Lord of our God and the second command is to love our neighbors. This command was given when a lawyer asked Jesus about the greatest of the commandments in Matt. 22:37-39. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves and so killing or murdering our neighbor can't be pure act of love.

Love Our Enemies

Not only are we to do good to our friends or neighbors but even our enemies. God wants us to love our enemies as well as he commands us in Matthew 5:44.

How Do we love our enemies?.

We are taught how we can love our enemies in Mattew 5:45. We can love our enemies by doing them good. This is seen in God and how He deals with sinners. God still shows His love on those who do jot even love Him or serve Him.

This is the is the reason He commands us to do same. Another to love our enemies is feeding them when they are hungry. When they are in need, we are to attend to them, feeding them with foods and providing them what they need.

In Malachi 4:2, we told how much God shows his righteous to all even sinners. The "sun of righteousness" is the son of God, the righteousness of God he shows to both the good and the evil in order for the evil to become good.

1 Corinthians 9:20 The Apostle here narrated how he was able to reach out to all men. He demonstrated the attitude of a good Christian. He became good to all men. If we can't relate well with all men even our enemies how can we win them for God?. In 1 Timothy 2:4, we made aware that it is the will of the father in heaven for all men to come the knowledge of him and to be saved.

We cannot let the will of God prevail if we don't love all men. We should learn to welcome everyone into our life and be generous to them. Loving your enemies just like loving your love ones is s great way of saving them from hell. The doctrine of Christ does not teach a Christian to kill his fellow Christian or his enemy.

In doing good to all men, we are to do extra goodness to the brethren in the household of faith. If we love God and our fellow men our conscience should be void of hatred. If we have a good conscience we will not be evil towards ourselves and to our neighbors.
What is the "Good" we are to do to all men?

In Romans 7:12 we understand that God's law is holy, just and good. The good we are to do is all about doing the law or the commandment and the commandment is about loving God and loving our neighbors as ourself.

If you will not like to the paid with eveil then you should not pay your neighbor with evil. Eph.4:32 teaches us how the Lord wants us to live. The Lord wants us to be kind to one another which means we should not be selfish. We should be kind and be forgiving.

If we forgive others God will forgive us and if we are merciful to others God will be merciful to us. It's hard to forgive the one who wrong you but if you are merciful it will be easier to forgive. In every true church forgiveness is their distinction. it is what differentiate us from unbelievers.

In 1 Corinthians 1:10, we commanded to be perfect and be united. This is what should happen in the house of God and not like the hatred we see as portrayed by some people or some denominations.

We were admonished to be humble, showing appreciation and be grateful to those who helped raised us. We should not be like other religions that rather cause havoc and frustrate their nation.

There is a true church in the bible and a church is seen to be a true church not in action but in deed. 1 John 3:18 teaches us that true love is demonstrated in actions not in words. Brotherly love should remain or abide in the brotherhood. 1 Peter 2:7.

We are to submit to all authorities and live peaceably with everyone. We are to submit to a government that is doing good and not the one Tha is for evil. In all we should be praying for them just as christ command us to love all men which is the doctrine of God.


Old Belief That was Improved By Listening To The Bible Studies:

This teaching has really helped to change how I use to perceive enemies, even those that persecuted Christians. In some nations Christians are killed by tourrorist groups all in the name of promoting a religion or serving God. Who would hate such folks for their evil acts? The teachings henlightened me more about why we need to still show God's love to our enemies despite the fact that they hate us.

How the Study Can Make Us Better And How We Can Use In Our Daily Lives

I love the fact that the subject of love was taught in the Teachings of Brother Eli today. We are nothing without love. Love fulfills the law and I believe by showing love daily to our neighbour's and even our enemies we will be bale to win them for Christ.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
