The Business of Marriage: Understanding Risks and Making Informed Choices


Today, let's talk about marriage. Marriage seems more like a business venture to me; there are risks involved. It's hard to predict the outcome sometimes until you actually venture into it. I would say marriage isn't just a beautiful thing; it can also be challenging. If you read or research more about marriage, you will find that half of all first marriages end in divorce Divorce Statistics.

The alarming rate of divorce cases is one reason to understand that marriage is a union that must be pursued carefully. There is nothing like a perfect marriage, and all marriages have their own challenges. Marital infidelity, lack of communication, financial disagreements, differing expectations, lack of intimacy are some of the issues that can make marriage a challenging experience.

Additionally, the problem of domestic violence, frequently reported in relationships, particularly in marital homes, is a significant concern. Lives have been lost, others have experienced depression, and fortunes have been ruined due to the impact of troubled marriages.

Furthermore, the consequences extend to children whose lives are affected by broken homes, leading them into negative influences and influencing their behavior. All of these factors underscore how challenging the marriage experience could be. This is not meant to dissuade anyone from considering marriage but rather to share the fact that, while it can be an enjoyable experience, it also involves risks.

Nowadays, people invest substantial amounts in a one-day marriage celebration, spending significant sums of money that could have been used for investments instead. The influence of these weddings, the standards they set, and the pressure they exert on individuals tempted to emulate such events I think calls for concern.

It's wonderful to create memories of special events such as marriage ceremonies, but it's impractical to invest excessively in a single day's celebration marking a long-term journey with unforeseen outcomes and risks. We live in a society where people prioritize instant gratification and the pleasures of the short term over the long term.

This is why some may spend millions on a wedding ceremony and its aftermath, known as honeymoons. Even if people can afford it with good financial capacity, don't you think we should be concerned with the influence these lavish lifestyles may have on upcoming generations?

It's sad to see how financial literacy is missing these days, with people on the verge of acquiring everything quickly due to the luxurious lifestyles they've witnessed and desire. Religious bodies can serve as good examples to youth considering marriage. The last time I checked the scriptures, there was nothing like the extravagant weddings we see today.

Seeking the consent of parents for the bride and adhering to the bride price initiated the marriage rites. While religious groups allow such lavish celebrations called weddings in churches, they contribute to the excessive pressure on youth to meet certain standards, even for those with no intention of marriage at all.

The bottom line is that younger generations should be exposed to financial literacy, delving into topics like investment, saving,budgeting and aspects like sacrifice, financial discipline that lead to true wealth creation. If marriage is viewed as a long-term journey, it's prudent to prioritize investing for the future rather than indulging excessively before the journey kicks off. As someone happily married for eight years, I offer this financial advice.


The issues of marriage is very crucial to talk about, since it's a live time journey and need to be treated as important. Spending money on marriage occasion may look beautiful but most marriages are not working because the couple were busy preparing for the occasion and not the marriage.


Thank you and that's the whole point; couples often get busy for the occasion rather than focusing on the marriage itself. It seems like a misplaced priority. For many married individuals, if given the chance to redo things, I believe they would have approached it with a more minimalistic perspective


Many marriages are suffering while some as break up because of lack of fund. In Africa, the society only think about what they will get from you. they don't think how your marriage will survive. After lavishing your money on them on the marriage day, they will leave you to suffer.


Societal influence on marriage, especially in Africa, is one factor contributing to many divorces. Pressure from society often leads youngsters to marry without adequate preparation and planning


As a youth we need to be very wise


Unfortunately, these days people enter into marriages already thinking about divorce, so with every little disagreement, leaving the marriage is a route to go.


That's surprisingly true and I think it's all about lack of understanding of the marriage institution.


I think the modern standard that is set by modern weddings/marriages is something to always ponder about and be wary of. For me, it's a bit delusional, as people prioritise a single event over the long term process of what it takes to make things work.
Very insightful post :)


Due to modern standard set for marriage, it has become a difficult thing for those who are considering to settle down. Thanks for finding this insightful my good friend. :)


Exactly, one has to ponder about it a bit more before deciding to settle down. Asking questions like going with the standard or not.


This days many are stuck with the notion that" it is just for a day" so it needs to be big and end up spending lavishly just on a wedding even to the extent of taking loans just to get their dream wedding not minding what life holds ahead.
A wedding is just for a day but marriage is a very long journey to start without money or in debt,when the problems starts the guest won't be there to share the pain.
