RE: What is Coffee Badging?

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Allah bless corporate thickheadedness. I've always been a big fan of malicious compliance, coffee badging seems right up my alley. It's going to entertaining to watch the absurd, tortured death of 'the office' over the next little bit.


Yeah I love doing that too lol comply with their foolish dictates but in an obnoxious way and one that gets you to do the silly thing but then something in return.

I will say that I do partially miss the in-person interaction with my colleagues but at the same time, we live geographically dispersed quite a bit so it's not efficient to do it. When I did work in an office, there was valuable collaboration between people in a physical space versus remotely but it's the best for the people who work to do it where they do it best, and remote is far better for so many people.

Have you seen Taskmaster's post the other day about commercial real estate apocalypse? It's crazy!
