A Celtic Blessing - David Barton | SWELL VOX

I recently performed an organ work by David Barton and I continued to explore his other compositions. I came across this short, but beautiful unison vocal work "A Celtic Blessing" and I knew this would go well with the younger Swell Voxers. From the publisher: ‘The much-loved benediction “May the road rise up to meet you…” is given a setting of beauty and simplicity that is a welcome addition to the versions that have come before. The accompaniment is effective, but not complex, and the piece may be sung as a solo if desired. There is an optional lower part at the end.’

Cast: Sean Lee, Samuel Beckett, Luke Lee
Organ: James Flores

Score: https://www.davidbartonmusic.co.uk/portfolio/a-celtic-blessing/

To support my channel or for further information: https://linktr.ee/james_flores
