

Association is key and the right Association matter's a great deal, it's important for one to be among the right set of persons so one can think the right thoughts, speak the right words and do the right things and this is where friendship comes in, No matter the environment you find yourself always pray to have the right set of friends the right Association, people that have and has set the right Aims and goals for themselves.
Ask yourself theses questions

1. who is a friend
2. who can I call my friend
3. why is this person my friend
4. what value is he or she adding to my life.

if you want to make it in life, you must make up your mind to have the right people with you, people that will inspire you and also be inspired by you, Never find yourself amongst people who don't know you worth, who you are and what you carry, who don't believe in you in your dreams and aspiration, who think less and speak less of you, who think there's nothing you have to offer.

choose your friends, stay in the right habitat of friendship some friends are not mutual, some friends are parasite it is your choice to choose the right set of people. people who bring out the best in you, who can help you push towards Excellence friend with vision and purpose, friends who have discovered who themselves and what they are made of.

Know the package
know the package of your friendship, what is the content, what can come out of this friendship, is this where God wants you to be, is this the best place for you, what's the package of your friendship, what's the programing.

When you have the right set of friends the right Association you will grow, you will do well, so be it at home, school environment especially those in the boarding and universities, in business place, wherever you find yourself. Choose your friends don't let your friends choose you, ask for guidance from God and he will help you.



Hello @couragbox. I'm here to remind you again, of the OCD community rules. As I've said in my previous comment here, this type of topic should be posted in Self Improvement community as OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post. Next time please look for the appropriate community. Thank you!
