RE: 3 Bonsai Cherry Trees.


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Hey bud, I gotta question about cherry trees. Maybe you know something I don't.

One of my young small bonsai cherries presumably died suddenly in the onset of spring, shortly after bud break of leaves. Rusty juice was coating all the branches, as if the buds all became exit wounds for the sap to drain out. My other cherry had a slight reaction, with new leaves wilting yellow, but new shoots strong enough to recover.

Any opinion on what this disease is, or what might have caused it?

We had a three day ice storm in February. I wonder if that can cause the buds to rot and leak sap when they opened in April.


Hey brother firstly long time where have you been are you well ?? Sorry only saw this now. Was it not over watered or weather too hot?? I know in this hot climate mine wilt easily and need quiet alot of water in Summer. Strangely though mine have also started going a little yellow into Winter which puzzles me and is a bit of a concern. Those very same Cherries planted in the garden thriving and huge. BONSAI is certainly not natural with soil confined roots fertilizer etc so I guess their "immunity" will never be as strong and the ones grown "more naturally"?? Cheer$;)


Thanks for the experienced feedback.

I haven't been online much lately with both of my jobs keeping me busy, plus getting my garden ready for Summer is practically a third job. So I tend to be less active on Hive when I have less time in front of my home PC.
