Penance///the new game in social networks//@Cristanza42

Hello friends of the education community, greetings and many blessings.


On this occasion I want to share with you, the new game on social networks, which as always the most harmed are the teenagers.

As we all know technology is advancing every day with more strength, and in a matter of seconds the information spreads around the world.
This new game, called "penance".

It consists of a sexual challenge, where a group of teenagers perform what resembles an orgy, among teenagers.

And they are performed in a circle, where each male teenager remains seated, unclothed and completely naked.

And a group of female teenagers, are sitting on them, making changes every few minutes.

And the winner is the boy who manages to remain erect the longest.

It is very sad to see how values and morals have been lost.

And even worse to know that the respect that adolescents feel towards their own bodies.

The beginning of sexuality as many of the stages of human beings, are very beautiful and we must enjoy each one with all that it implies.


We have to teach our children many values, to understand that sexuality is something between two people.

And that at the moment of doing it, we must be responsible and above all preventive.

Since we do not know what we are exposed to.
